Python 3, 169 bytes
for i in "abdeghilmnrstwxyaeioy!!eodfhlmnrstxae!oaeimodfnstoaiaioaeimouyaeoudefhimnprswxyaeiie!hioaiohmnpst!!eoiuaeoa":print((chr(a:=a+(i<=p))+i)*(i>"_"));p=i
for i in "abdeghilmnrstwxyaeioy!!eodfhlmnrstxae!oaeimodfnstoaiaioaeimouyaeoudefhimnprswxyaeiie!hioaiohmnpst!!eoiuaeoa":print((chr(a:=a+(i<=p))+i)*(i>"_"));p=i
My first code golf. Uses a list of the second letter for each combination alphabetically, and changes the first letter if the next character is smaller than the previous (new set of words). Exclamation points are added to break up sections where the next character would be larger than the previous and to skip C and V.