JavaScript (ES6), 274273 bytes
Thanks to @Shaggy for suggesting to switch from HTML+JS to JS and saving 1 byte2 bytes in the new version
Generates a SVG similar to this one from Parcly Taxel.
f=(s=`<svg viewBox="-22 -23 44 4${a=6}">`)=>a--?f(s+(p='<path fill=')+`#5${a&1?'a318e':'4a2e1'} d="M20.3-9C14.8 5 5.8 5.6.4 5.3L-.1 7.2C6.5 9 15.6 8.4 21.6-.4Z"4" transform="rotate(${a*60})"/>`):s+p+`none stroke=#576ab7 d="M-10.2 4.5-9-6.6 1.2-11.1 10.2-4.5 9 6.6-1.2 11.1Z">`
Graphical output
f=(s=`<svg viewBox="-22 -23 44 4${a=6}">`)=>a--?f(s+(p='<path fill=')+`#5${a&1?'a318e':'4a2e1'} d="M20.3-9C14.8 5 5.8 5.6.4 5.3L-.1 7.2C6.5 9 15.6 8.4 21.6-.4Z"4" transform="rotate(${a*60})"/>`):s+p+`none stroke=#576ab7 d="M-10.2 4.5-9-6.6 1.2-11.1 10.2-4.5 9 6.6-1.2 11.1Z">`