A Latin square of order n is text which is arranged as a square of n lines by n columns, contains n different characters, and each character appears once in each line and column. For example, here is a Latin square of order 9:
Code gOlf ode gOlfC de gOlfCo e gOlfCod gOlfCode gOlfCode OlfCode g lfCode gO fCode gOl
Make a program which outputs a Latin square of order n (like in this other challenge), but the program must also be a Latin square of order n. The output must be different (i.e. not a quine) - use different symbols and/or in different order.
Some notes on formatting:
- Output to stdout or return a string which could be printed to stdout directly (i.e. it should contain newline bytes).
- Leading and trailing spaces are allowed only if the square doesn't otherwise contain spaces.
- Leading and trailing newlines are allowed.
- Tab and other control characters are allowed only if your system can print them without disturbing the square shape.
- Usual Code Golf - your score is the number of bytes in your program, so a score should normally be n²+n-1 or n²+n.
- Include your program's output in your answer, if you think it looks pretty.
As noted by tsh, n = 1 is uninteresting, so let's add a restriction n > 1.