Jelly, 9 bytes
Times out for test cases larger than 50.
How they work
ŒṗƲẠ$ƇṪU - Main link. Takes n on the left
Œṗ - Integer partitions of n; Ways to sum positive integers to n
$Ƈ - Keep those partitions P for which the following is true:
Ạ - All elements are:
Ʋ - Square numbers
ṪU - Take the last (the shortest) and reverse it
ŒṗfƑƇ²€ṪU - Main link. Takes n on the left
Œṗ - Integer partitions of n; Ways to sum positive integers to n
€ - For each integer to n:
² - Yield its square
ƑƇ - Keep partitions that are unchanged after:
f ²€ - Removing all non-squares
ṪU - Take the last (the shortest) and reverse it