Python, 142 140 bytes
for x in"销夀㬀✣Ⰰᴀᴀᔵ┴♠㬀夀销":[aa,b,c,d]=[intd=[int(x,16)for x in hex(ord(x))[2:]];s=' '*(a-1)+'*'*b+' '*c+'*'*d;print(s+s[::-1])
This is very... stupid. It's in the vein of another Python answer but uses a more naive encoding:
(number of alternating spaces and asterisks in half of the image.)
_ * _ *
9 5 0 0 \u9500 销
5 9 0 0 \u5900 夀
3 11 0 0 \u3b00 㬀
2 7 2 3 \u2723 ✣
2 12 0 0 \u2c00 Ⰰ
1 13 0 0 \u1d00 ᴀ
1 13 0 0 \u1d00 ᴀ
1 5 3 5 \u1535 ᔵ
2 5 3 4 \u2534 ┴
2 6 6 0 \u2660 ♠
3 11 0 0 \u3b00 㬀
5 9 0 0 \u5900 夀
9 5 0 0 \u9500 销