Jelly, 16 bytes
How it works
ÆRµ+Ø+Ḥ¤ẒẸ”*xṭ)K - Main link. Takes N on the left
ÆR - Yield the prime range until N
µ ) - Over each prime P between 2 and N:
¤ - Group into a nilad:
Ø+ - Builtin; [1, -1]
Ḥ - Unhalve; [2, -2]
+ - Add to P; [P+2, P-2]
Ẓ - Is prime?
Ẹ - Are any true? Either 1 or 0
”*x - Repeat "*" that many times
ṭ - Append to P, yielding [P, "*"] or [P, ""]
K - Join by spaces