R, 119 117 bytes, score=24 22
Thanks to Dominic van Essen for spotting a bug.
cat('Hello, Wo',intToUtf8(nchar("#$%&*-./012479:;<>?@ABDEFGIJKLMNOPQRSVXYZ[]^_`bgjkmquvwyz{|}~")+53),"\x6Cd!",sep="")
Uses the hex code trick to encode the last l
as \x6C
. This saves 2 bytes: 1 by avoiding the reuse of the l
(none of the other characters are used anywhere else), and 1 by avoiding having to escape the \
(as \\
) in the string.
The long string in the middle is 61 characters long. They are all necessary to get the character r
(ASCII code 114), which is produced by the intToUtf8(nchar("...")+53)