Jelly, 11 bytes
Although I originally had ’2*ḶBz0Z-*ÄS=¥ƇḢŻ
, this is close enough to caird's solution in principle now that I'm almost tempted to just suggest it in the comments. In the case that you really really want []
over 0
, maybe it's just +4 bytes?maybe it's just +3 bytes?, maybe it's +6maybe it's +5.
Ø- [-1, 1]
ṗ to the Cartesian power of
’ n - 1.
Ä Cumulative sums.
Ƈ Keep only those for which
S ¥ the sum
= is equal to s.
Ḣ Take the first survivor
Ż and slap a 0 on the start of it.