MATL, 15 14 bytes
Input is 1-based.
Try it online! Or verify the first values.
How it works
% Implicit input: n
: % Range: [1 2 ... n].
" % For each
@ % Push iteration index, k (goes from 1 to n)
: % Range: gives [1 2 ... k]
t % Duplicate
~ % Negate, element-wise: gives [0 0 ... 0] (k zeros)
] % End
v % Concatenate everything into a column vector
G % Push n again
: % Range: [1 2 ... n]
s % Sum: gives n-th triangular number, T(n)
: % Range
) % Index: keeps the first T(n) values
z % Number of nonzeros
% Implicit output