#05AB1E, 48 bytes
Sometimes 05AB1E's lack of almost all matrix builtins is pretty annoying.. ;)
Inspired by @Arnauld's JavaScript answer.
Try it online or verify almost all test cases (removed the last two largest ones, since they time out on TIO).
First handle the edge case of a single-element input-list (would cause issues with the «
later on in the code):
g # Get the length of the (implicit) input-list
≠i # And if it is NOT 1, continue with:
# ... (see below)
# (implicit else:)
# (output the implicit input-list as implicit output)
Next we'll get the exponentiation matrix of the list [0, input-length)
ā # Push a list in the range [1, (implicit) input-length] (without popping)
< # Decrease each value by 1 to make the range [0, input-length)
Dδ # Apply double-vectorized on itself by first duplicating:
m # Take the power of the two values
U # Pop and store this exponentiation matrix in variable `X`
Next we'll create a list of this matrix, with every column one by one replaced with the input-list:
ε } # Map over the input-list that was still on the stack
X # Push the exponentiation matrix from variable `X`
ø # Zip/transpose it; swapping rows/columns
ǝ # Replace the transposed row of the exponentiation matrix
N # at the current map-index
I # with the input-list
ø # And then zip/transpose back
We'll prepend the original exponentiation matrix to this list:
Xš # Prepend the matrix `X` in front of this list
And we'll calculate the determinant of each inner matrix in this list:
ε } # Map over the list of matrices:
ā # Push a list in the range [1, matrix-length] (without popping)
< # Decrease it by 1 to make the range [0, matrix-length)
sU # Swap to get the matrix again, and pop and store it in variable `X`
œ # Get all permutations of the [0, matrix-length) list
ε # Inner map over each permutation:
© # Store the current permutation in variable `®` (without popping)
2.Æ # Get all 2-element combinations of this permutation
í # Reverse each inner pair
Æ # Reduce it by subtracting
.± # And get it's signum (-1 if a<0; 0 if a==0; 1 if a>0)
X # Push the matrix from variable `X`
ε # Map over each of its rows:
® # Push the current permutation of variable `®`
Nè # Get the value in the permutation at the current map-index
è # And use that to index into the current matrix-row
}« # After the map of rows: merge it together with the signum list
P # And take the product of this entire list
}O # After the map of permutations: sum all values
Now that we have all determinants of the matrices, we get the default one again to divide all others by it:
ć # Extract head: pop and push remainder-list and first item separated
÷ # Integer-divide each value in the remainder-list by this head
# (after which the result is output implicitly)