Score 100100 8605
I used an algorithm that starts with one solution and repeatedly tries to split a prime \$p\$ in the solution into two other primes \$q_ 1\$ and \$q_ 2\$ that satisfy \$\frac1{p-1} = \frac1{q_1-1}+\frac1{q_2-1}\$.
It is known (and can be quickly checked) that the positive integer solutions to \$\frac1n = \frac1x + \frac1y\$ are in one-to-one correspondence with factorizations \$n^2 = f_ 1 f_ 2\$, the correspondence being given by \$x = n + f_ 1\$, \$y = n + f_ 2\$. We can search through the factorizations of \$(p-1)^2\$ to see if any of them yielded a solution where both new denominators \$x,y\$ were one less then primes; if so, then \$p\$ can be replaced by \$q_1=x+1\$, \$q_2=y+1\$. (If there were multiple such factorizations, I used the one where the minimum of \$q_1\$ and \$q_2\$ was smallest.)
I started with this seed solution of length 44:
seed = {3, 7, 1911, 23, 31, 37, 43, 47, 5967, 6771, 79, 101103, 131, 137, 139, 191, 211, 239, 283331, 431419, 443, 463, 593547, 599571, 647599, 751647, 829691, 859, 1039911, 1103967, 11291103, 12371327, 15971483, 1871, 20292003, 22512311, 22932347, 23112731, 23413191, 23473307, 23773911, 25214003, 25314931, 25916007, 27316091, 2927,8779}
This seed was found using an Egyptian fraction solver that a former research student of mine, Yue Shi, coded in ChezScheme. (The primes \$p\$ involved all have the property that \$p-1\$ is the product of distinct primes less than 30, which increased the likelihood of Shi's program finding a solution.)
The following Mathematica code continually updates a current solution by looking at its primes one by one, trying to split them in the manner described above. (The number 1000 in the third line is an arbitrary stopping point; in principle one could let the algorithm run forever.)
solution 3061,= 3121,seed;
j 3169,= 3221,1; 3361,(* 3457,j 3571,is 3911,the 4003,index 4523,of 4831,the 5279,element 6091,of 6271,the 6553,solution 7393,that 7481,we'll 9001,try 10501,to 10847,split 11551,*)
While[j 12421,<= 12973,1000 14281,&& 15541,j 15661,<= 18061Length[solution],
18481, 20749,currentP 21121,= 21313,solution[[j]];
22541, 34217,allDivisors 42331,= 45289,Divisors[(currentP 45361,- 49201,1)^2];
52541, 54721,allFactorizations 60601,= 61813{#, 65701,(currentP 87721,- 88609,1)^2/#} 131581,& 134677,/@
156157, 164341 Take[allDivisors, 178537Floor[Length[allDivisors]/2]];
allSplits = currentP + allFactorizations;
goodFactorizations = Select[allSplits, 217561
And @@ PrimeQ[#] && Intersection[#, 253381solution] == {} &];
If[goodFactorizations == {},
254041 j++,
430921 solution = Union[Complement[solution, 435481{currentP}], First@goodFactorizations]
With a little more time I suspect I could getThe code above yields a much larger set.
I startedsolution of length 4126, whose largest element is about \$8.7\times10^{20}\$; by findingthe end, it was factoring integers (using Mathematica) all 148 odd primes p such that p–1 is a product\$(p-1)^2\$ of distinct primes not exceeding 29.size about (There are 10 primes up to 29, and it's easy to check all 2^10 possibilities\$8.8\times10^{21}\$.) From this set I choose larger and larger subsets
In practice, eventually stopping at a subset of size 53I ran the code several times, using the previous output as the next seed in each case and fed them into an Egyptian fraction solver that a research student of mine, Yue Shi, coded up;increasing the simple prime factorizations ofcutoff for j each time; this allowed for the inputs made finding solutions much more likely. The program yielded a solutionrecovery of size 44some small prime splits that had become non-redundant thanks to previous splitting, which I used as a seed tosomewhat mitigated the next step. (In hindsight,size of the next step worked so well that I suspect starting with a much simpler solution would have worked just fineintegers the algorithm factored.)
Next, I examined each prime \$p\$ in the currentThe final solution one by one, looking for ways which took about an hour to write\$\frac1 {p - 1} = \frac1 {q_ 1 - 1} + \frac1 {q_ 2 - 1}\$ with \$q_ 1\$ and \$q_ 2\$ both prime. Itobtain, is known that the integer solutionstoo long to \$\frac1n = \frac1x + \ \frac1y\$ arefit in one-to-one correspondence with factorizations \$n^2 = f_ 1 f_ 2\$, the correspondence being given by \$x = n + f_ 1\$,this answer but has been \$y = n + f_ 2\$posted online. I searched through the factorizations of \$ (p - 1)^2\$ to see if any of them yielded a solution where both new denominators were one less then primes; if so, I replaced \$p\$ by It has length 8605 and largest element about \$q_1, q_ 2\$ in the solution\$4.62\times10^{19}\$.
This process can be iterated, not just on each prime inVarious runs of this code consistently found that the originallength of the solution but also onwas about 3–4 times as long as the primes used to replace oldset of primes. I observed about 2 such splitting-iterations on average that had been examined for every prime insplitting. In other words, the original solution, which leads me to suspect that was growing much faster than the processcode scanned through the initial elements. It seems likely that this behavior would run quitecontinue for a bit longer before terminating; I was doing the splitting by handlong time, and so I just stopped when I reached a solution of size 100yielding some gargantuan solutions.