PHP, 90 bytes
Input sequence is sent using command arguments (each number is one argument) and output is string representation of arrays using PHP's print_r.
for(; // outer loop on $argv input items
++$i< // $i is current index, starts from second item as PHP fills first item with script's name
$c=count($argv); // $c is total number of input items
for( // inner loop on input items
$j=$i; // $j is inner loop's index, always starts from outer loop's index
$c>$j; // continue while inner index is less than $c
$j-$i-$n?: // THIS IS RUN LAST: if current number ($n) is equal to $j-$i ($j is incremented by one already, so $j-$i gives a position starting from 1 in the $$i)
$c=print_r($$i) // THIS IS RUN LAST: print the $$i array and set $c to 1 to break the inner loop
$$i[]= // THIS IS RUN FIRST: push into an array named by value of $i (if $i=2, variable name is 2)
$n=$argv[$j++]; // THIS IS RUN FIRST: current number in index of inner loop and increment the index ($j) by one, $n also keeps current number