Jelly, 9 bytes
A monadic Link accepting a list of integers which yields a list of lists of integers.
Or ẆĖE€Ḅ⁼ʋƇ1
- Try it.
Ẇ=J$Ḅ⁼ɗƇ1 - Link: list of integers
Ẇ - all sublists
1 - set right argument to 1
Ƈ - filter keep those (sublists) for which:
ɗ - last three links as a dyad - i.e. f(sublist, 1):
$ - last two links as a monad i.e. g(sublist)
J - range of length = [1,2,3,...,length]
= - (sublist) equals (that)? (vectorises)
Ḅ - from binary
⁼ - (that) equals (1)?