Scala, 234 226 234234 206 bytes
-28 due to the fact I thought it had to accept StdIn, it's a function now
def f=scala.iof(a:List[String],b:List[String],c:List[String])=scala.StdInutil.readLineRandom.splitshuffle(" ");val a=f;val b=f;val c=f;val h=forfor(d<-a;e<-("" +: b);g<-c;if(d.head.toLower==g.head&&(e.isEmpty||e.head==g.head))) yield s"$d's $e $g".replace(" ", " ");scala.util.Random.shuffle(h.toList).head
(A try it online link would be here but I couldn't find any online Scala runners that accepted StdIn. Try it on your computer!)Try it online!
def splitInputLine =" ")
// Since names is only evaluated: onceList[String], it doesn't look like it needs to be aadjectives: valList[String],
// but it needs to be evaluated before all the others.
valnouns: namesList[String]) = splitInputLine{
val adjectives = splitInputLine
val nouns = splitInputLine
val allPossible = for {
name <- splitInputLinenames
adjective <- ("" +: adjectives) // Add the choice of no adjective
noun <- nouns
if (name.head.toLower == noun.head && (adjective.isEmpty || adjective.head == noun.head)) // Filter out so only matching entries remain
} yield
s"$name's $adjective $noun"
.replace(" ", " ") // Get rid of artifact created by the empty adjective selection
scala.util.Random.shuffle(allPossible.toList).head // Get a random element