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Commonmark migration
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#JavaScript (ES6),  160 158  146 bytes

JavaScript (ES6),  160 158  146 bytes



#JavaScript (ES6),  160 158  146 bytes


JavaScript (ES6),  160 158  146 bytes


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n => (                        // n = input
  g = (                       // g = recursive function taking:
    e,                        //   e[] = array holding visited edges
    v,                        //   v   = bitmask holding visited vertices
    p                         //   p   = previous vertex
  ) =>                        // we iterate over an array of N + 3 entries, where N = 2n:
    [ ...Array(N = 2 * n),    //   - 0...N-1: each vertex of the N-gon (starting points)
      N - 1,                  //   - N      : previous vertex \
      1,                      //   - N+1    : next vertex      }-- connected to p
      n                       //   - N+2    : opposite vertex /
    ].reduce((s, x, i) =>     // reduce() loop with s = accumulator, x = vertex, i = index:
      ( m = 1 << (            //   m is a bitmask where only the x-th bit is set
          x = i < N           //   and x is either:
              ? i             //   - i if i < N
              : (p + x) % N   //   - or (p + x) mod N otherwise
      )) & v ?                //   if this vertex was already visited:
        s                     //     leave s unchanged
      :                       //   else:
        s +                   //     add to s
        g(                    //     the result of a recursive call:
          (i >= N) / p ?      //       if p and x are connected (i >= N and p is defined):
            [ ...e,           //         append to e[]:
              1 << p | m      //           the edge formed by p and x
            ]                 //           and uniquely identified by 1 << p | 1 << x
          :                   //       else:
            e,                //         leave e[] unchanged
          v | 1m, << x,            //       mark the vertex x as visited
          x                   //       previous vertex = x
        ),                    //     end of recursive call
      g[e.sort()] ^           //   sort the edges and yield 1 if this list of edges has not
      (g[e] = 1)              //   already been encountered; either way, save it in g
    )                         // end of reduce()
)``                           // initial call to g with e = ['']
n => (                        // n = input
  g = (                       // g = recursive function taking:
    e,                        //   e[] = array holding visited edges
    v,                        //   v   = bitmask holding visited vertices
    p                         //   p   = previous vertex
  ) =>                        // we iterate over an array of N + 3 entries, where N = 2n:
    [ ...Array(N = 2 * n),    //   - 0...N-1: each vertex of the N-gon
      N - 1,                  //   - N      : previous vertex \
      1,                      //   - N+1    : next vertex      }-- connected to p
      n                       //   - N+2    : opposite vertex /
    ].reduce((s, x, i) =>     // reduce() loop with s = accumulator, x = vertex, i = index:
      ( m = 1 << (            //   m is a bitmask where only the x-th bit is set
          x = i < N           //   and x is either:
              ? i             //   - i if i < N
              : (p + x) % N   //   - or (p + x) mod N otherwise
      )) & v ?                //   if this vertex was already visited:
        s                     //     leave s unchanged
      :                       //   else:
        s +                   //     add to s
        g(                    //     the result of a recursive call:
          (i >= N) / p ?      //       if p and x are connected (i >= N and p is defined):
            [ ...e,           //         append to e[]:
              1 << p | m      //           the edge formed by p and x
            ]                 //           and uniquely identified by 1 << p | 1 << x
          :                   //       else:
            e,                //         leave e[] unchanged
          v | 1 << x,         //       mark the vertex x as visited
          x                   //       previous vertex = x
        ),                    //     end of recursive call
      g[e.sort()] ^           //   sort the edges and yield 1 if this list of edges has not
      (g[e] = 1)              //   already been encountered; either way, save it in g
    )                         // end of reduce()
)``                           // initial call to g with e = ['']
n => (                        // n = input
  g = (                       // g = recursive function taking:
    e,                        //   e[] = array holding visited edges
    v,                        //   v   = bitmask holding visited vertices
    p                         //   p   = previous vertex
  ) =>                        // we iterate over an array of N + 3 entries, where N = 2n:
    [ ...Array(N = 2 * n),    //   - 0...N-1: each vertex of the N-gon (starting points)
      N - 1,                  //   - N      : previous vertex \
      1,                      //   - N+1    : next vertex      }-- connected to p
      n                       //   - N+2    : opposite vertex /
    ].reduce((s, x, i) =>     // reduce() loop with s = accumulator, x = vertex, i = index:
      ( m = 1 << (            //   m is a bitmask where only the x-th bit is set
          x = i < N           //   and x is either:
              ? i             //   - i if i < N
              : (p + x) % N   //   - or (p + x) mod N otherwise
      )) & v ?                //   if this vertex was already visited:
        s                     //     leave s unchanged
      :                       //   else:
        s +                   //     add to s
        g(                    //     the result of a recursive call:
          (i >= N) / p ?      //       if p and x are connected (i >= N and p is defined):
            [ ...e,           //         append to e[]:
              1 << p | m      //           the edge formed by p and x
            ]                 //           and uniquely identified by 1 << p | 1 << x
          :                   //       else:
            e,                //         leave e[] unchanged
          v | m,              //       mark the vertex x as visited
          x                   //       previous vertex = x
        ),                    //     end of recursive call
      g[e.sort()] ^           //   sort the edges and yield 1 if this list of edges has not
      (g[e] = 1)              //   already been encountered; either way, save it in g
    )                         // end of reduce()
)``                           // initial call to g with e = ['']
saved 12 bytes
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#JavaScript (ES6),  160 158  158146 bytes


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n => (                        // n = input
  g = (                       // g = recursive function taking:
    e,                        //   e[] = array holding visited edges
    v,                        //   v   = bitmask holding visited vertices
    p                         //   p   = previous vertex
  ) =>                        // we iterate over an array of N + 3 entries, where N = 2n:
    [ ...Array(N = 2 * n),    //   - 0...N-1: each vertex of the N-gon
      N - 1,                  //   - N      : previous vertex \
      1,                      //   - N+1    : next vertex      }-- connected withto p
      n                       //   - N+2    : opposite vertex /
    ].reduce((s, x, i) =>     // reduce() loop with s = accumulator, x = vertex, i = index:
      v >> (x m = i1 <<< N(            //   testm is a bitmask where only the x-th bit ofis theset
 bitmask v, with:
       x = i < N           //   and x is either:
              ? i           //   //  x =- i if i < N
                : (p + x) % N   //    - or (p + x) mod N otherwise
      )) & 1v ?                 //   if this vertex was already visited:
        s                     //     leave s unchanged
      :                       //   else:
        s +                   //     add to s
        g(                    //     the result of a recursive call:
          (i >= N) / p ?      //       if p and x are connected (i >= N and p is defined):
            [ ...e,           //         append to e[]:
              p < x 1 << p | m      //           the edge formed by p and x
              ? p * n * n + x //           and uniquely identified by
 ]             : x * n * n + p //           min(p, x) * n² + max(p, x)
            ]       and uniquely identified by 1 << p | 1 << //x
          :                   //       else:
            e,                //         leave e[] unchanged
          v | 1 << x,         //       mark the vertex x as visited
          x                   //       previous vertex = x
        ),                    //     end of recursive call
      g[e.sort()] ^           //   sort the edges and yield 1 if this list of edges has not
      (g[e] = 1)              //   already been encountered; either way, save it in g
    )                         // end of reduce()
)``                           // initial call to g with e = ['']

#JavaScript (ES6),  160  158 bytes


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n => (                        // n = input
  g = (                       // g = recursive function taking:
    e,                        //   e[] = array holding visited edges
    v,                        //   v   = bitmask holding visited vertices
    p                         //   p   = previous vertex
  ) =>                        // we iterate over an array of N + 3 entries, where N = 2n:
    [ ...Array(N = 2 * n),    //   - 0...N-1: each vertex of the N-gon
      N - 1,                  //   - N      : previous vertex \
      1,                      //   - N+1    : next vertex      }-- connected with p
      n                       //   - N+2    : opposite vertex /
    ].reduce((s, x, i) =>     // reduce() loop with s = accumulator, x = vertex, i = index:
      v >> (x = i < N         //   test the x-th bit of the bitmask v, with:
                ? i           //     x = i if i < N
                : (p + x) % N //     or (p + x) mod N otherwise
      ) & 1 ?                 //   if this vertex was already visited:
        s                     //     leave s unchanged
      :                       //   else:
        s +                   //     add to s
        g(                    //     the result of a recursive call:
          (i >= N) / p ?      //       if p and x are connected (i >= N and p is defined):
            [ ...e,           //         append to e[]:
              p < x           //           the edge formed by p and x
              ? p * n * n + x //           and uniquely identified by
              : x * n * n + p //           min(p, x) * n² + max(p, x)
            ]                 //
          :                   //       else:
            e,                //         leave e[] unchanged
          v | 1 << x,         //       mark the vertex x as visited
          x                   //       previous vertex = x
        ),                    //     end of recursive call
      g[e.sort()] ^           //   sort the edges and yield 1 if this list of edges has not
      (g[e] = 1)              //   already been encountered; either way, save it in g
    )                         // end of reduce()
)``                           // initial call to g with e = ['']

#JavaScript (ES6),  160 158  146 bytes


Try it online!

n => (                        // n = input
  g = (                       // g = recursive function taking:
    e,                        //   e[] = array holding visited edges
    v,                        //   v   = bitmask holding visited vertices
    p                         //   p   = previous vertex
  ) =>                        // we iterate over an array of N + 3 entries, where N = 2n:
    [ ...Array(N = 2 * n),    //   - 0...N-1: each vertex of the N-gon
      N - 1,                  //   - N      : previous vertex \
      1,                      //   - N+1    : next vertex      }-- connected to p
      n                       //   - N+2    : opposite vertex /
    ].reduce((s, x, i) =>     // reduce() loop with s = accumulator, x = vertex, i = index:
      ( m = 1 << (            //   m is a bitmask where only the x-th bit is set
          x = i < N           //   and x is either:
              ? i             //   - i if i < N
              : (p + x) % N   //   - or (p + x) mod N otherwise
      )) & v ?                //   if this vertex was already visited:
        s                     //     leave s unchanged
      :                       //   else:
        s +                   //     add to s
        g(                    //     the result of a recursive call:
          (i >= N) / p ?      //       if p and x are connected (i >= N and p is defined):
            [ ...e,           //         append to e[]:
              1 << p | m      //           the edge formed by p and x
            ]                 //           and uniquely identified by 1 << p | 1 << x
          :                   //       else:
            e,                //         leave e[] unchanged
          v | 1 << x,         //       mark the vertex x as visited
          x                   //       previous vertex = x
        ),                    //     end of recursive call
      g[e.sort()] ^           //   sort the edges and yield 1 if this list of edges has not
      (g[e] = 1)              //   already been encountered; either way, save it in g
    )                         // end of reduce()
)``                           // initial call to g with e = ['']
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added a commented version
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