Python 3, 766766 622 bytes
def f(s,W,H):
I,o=([Z=enumerate;I=[("L",-1),("R",1),("D",1j),("U",-1j)],"");P];o="";P,M,T=map(lambda t:{x+y*1jfor y,l in enumerateZ(s)for x,c in enumerateZ(l)if c==t},'PMT');E=D={c:{dt:0}for d in[-1]for t,c in Z(T for d in[d+1])}
while len(E):
for m,N in[(c+d,D[c])for c in D:
for _,d in I:
if not c+d m=c+d
in M]:
if 0<=m.real<len(s[0])real<W and 0<=m.imag<len(s)and not m in Mimag<H:
T={t:D[c][t]+1forN[t]+1for t in D[c]ifN if not m in D or not t in D[m]}
if any(T) or not m in D:
for m in E:
if m in D:
for m in P:
G=set(D[m].keys()if m in D else[])
while G:
p={g:D[m][g]for g in G};g=[g for g in p if p[g]==min(p.values())][0]
if p[g]==0D[m]:
while elseD[m][g]:
for i,d in I:
if m+d in D and D[m+d][g]<D[m][g]:
return o
Fairly certain after this that I will never win code-golf, but contributing because I enjoyed the exercise.
This version works by building a dictionary of reachable locations, with each entry being a dictionary whose keys are a unique ID for the treasure, and whose value is the shortest distance to that treasure. The code supports multiple values for P: for each one it outputs a path that collects the treasures. No optimization is attempted.. it picks the nearest treasure from its current location until all treasures are collected.