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slighlty more golfed... still too long
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Python 3, 766766 622 bytes

def f(s,W,H):
 I,o=([Z=enumerate;I=[("L",-1),("R",1),("D",1j),("U",-1j)],"");P];o="";P,M,T=map(lambda t:{x+y*1jfor y,l in enumerateZ(s)for x,c in enumerateZ(l)if c==t},'PMT');E=D={c:{dt:0}for d in[-1]for t,c in Z(T for d in[d+1])}
 while len(E):
  for m,N in[(c+d,D[c])for c in D:
   for _,d in I:
 if not c+d m=c+d
in M]:
   if 0<=m.real<len(s[0])real<W and 0<=m.imag<len(s)and not m in Mimag<H:
     T={t:D[c][t]+1forN[t]+1for t in D[c]ifN if not m in D or not t in D[m]}
     if any(T) or not m in D:
  for m in E:
   if m in D:
 for m in P:
  G=set(D[m].keys()if m in D else[])
  while G:
   p={g:D[m][g]for g in G};g=[g for g in p if p[g]==min(p.values())][0]
   if p[g]==0D[m]:
  while elseD[m][g]:
     for i,d in I:
      if m+d in D and D[m+d][g]<D[m][g]:
 return o

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Fairly certain after this that I will never win code-golf, but contributing because I enjoyed the exercise.

This version works by building a dictionary of reachable locations, with each entry being a dictionary whose keys are a unique ID for the treasure, and whose value is the shortest distance to that treasure. The code supports multiple values for P: for each one it outputs a path that collects the treasures. No optimization is attempted.. it picks the nearest treasure from its current location until all treasures are collected.

Python 3, 766 bytes

def f(s):
 I,o=([("L",-1),("R",1),("D",1j),("U",-1j)],"");P,M,T=map(lambda t:{x+y*1jfor y,l in enumerate(s)for x,c in enumerate(l)if c==t},'PMT');E=D={c:{d:0}for d in[-1]for c in T for d in[d+1]}
 while len(E):
  for c in D:
   for _,d in I:
    if 0<=m.real<len(s[0])and 0<=m.imag<len(s)and not m in M:
     T={t:D[c][t]+1for t in D[c]if not m in D or not t in D[m]}
     if any(T) or not m in D:
  for m in E:
   if m in D:
 for m in P:
  G=set(D[m].keys()if m in D else[])
  while G:
   p={g:D[m][g]for g in G};g=[g for g in p if p[g]==min(p.values())][0]
   if p[g]==0:
    for i,d in I:
     if m+d in D and D[m+d][g]<D[m][g]:
 return o

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Fairly certain after this that I will never win code-golf, but contributing because I enjoyed the exercise.

This version works by building a dictionary of reachable locations, with each entry being a dictionary whose keys are a unique ID for the treasure, and whose value is the shortest distance to that treasure. The code supports multiple values for P: for each one it outputs a path that collects the treasures. No optimization is attempted.. it picks the nearest treasure from its current location until all treasures are collected.

Python 3, 766 622 bytes

def f(s,W,H):
 Z=enumerate;I=[("L",-1),("R",1),("D",1j),("U",-1j)];o="";P,M,T=map(lambda t:{x+y*1jfor y,l in Z(s)for x,c in Z(l)if c==t},'PMT');E=D={c:{t:0}for t,c in Z(T)}
 while len(E):
  for m,N in[(c+d,D[c])for c in D for _,d in I if not c+d in M]:
   if 0<=m.real<W and 0<=m.imag<H:
    T={t:N[t]+1for t in N if not m in D or not t in D[m]}
    if any(T)or not m in D:
  for m in E:
   if m in D:
 for m in P:
  if m in D:
   for g in D[m]:
    while D[m][g]:
     for i,d in I:
      if m+d in D and D[m+d][g]<D[m][g]:
 return o

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Fairly certain after this that I will never win code-golf, but contributing because I enjoyed the exercise.

This version works by building a dictionary of reachable locations, with each entry being a dictionary whose keys are a unique ID for the treasure, and whose value is the shortest distance to that treasure. The code supports multiple values for P: for each one it outputs a path that collects the treasures. No optimization is attempted.. it picks the nearest treasure from its current location until all treasures are collected.

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Python 3, 766 bytes

def f(s):
 I,o=([("L",-1),("R",1),("D",1j),("U",-1j)],"");P,M,T=map(lambda t:{x+y*1jfor y,l in enumerate(s)for x,c in enumerate(l)if c==t},'PMT');E=D={c:{d:0}for d in[-1]for c in T for d in[d+1]}
 while len(E):
  for c in D:
   for _,d in I:
    if 0<=m.real<len(s[0])and 0<=m.imag<len(s)and not m in M:
     T={t:D[c][t]+1for t in D[c]if not m in D or not t in D[m]}
     if any(T) or not m in D:
  for m in E:
   if m in D:
 for m in P:
  G=set(D[m].keys()if m in D else[])
  while G:
   p={g:D[m][g]for g in G};g=[g for g in p if p[g]==min(p.values())][0]
   if p[g]==0:
    for i,d in I:
     if m+d in D and D[m+d][g]<D[m][g]:
 return o

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Fairly certain after this that I will never win code-golf, but contributing because I enjoyed the exercise.

This version works by building a dictionary of reachable locations, with each entry being a dictionary whose keys are a unique ID for the treasure, and whose value is the shortest distance to that treasure. The code supports multiple values for P: for each one it outputs a path that collects the treasuretreasures. No optimization is attempted.. it picks the nearest treasure from its current location until all treasures are collected.

Python 3, 766 bytes

def f(s):
 I,o=([("L",-1),("R",1),("D",1j),("U",-1j)],"");P,M,T=map(lambda t:{x+y*1jfor y,l in enumerate(s)for x,c in enumerate(l)if c==t},'PMT');E=D={c:{d:0}for d in[-1]for c in T for d in[d+1]}
 while len(E):
  for c in D:
   for _,d in I:
    if 0<=m.real<len(s[0])and 0<=m.imag<len(s)and not m in M:
     T={t:D[c][t]+1for t in D[c]if not m in D or not t in D[m]}
     if any(T) or not m in D:
  for m in E:
   if m in D:
 for m in P:
  G=set(D[m].keys()if m in D else[])
  while G:
   p={g:D[m][g]for g in G};g=[g for g in p if p[g]==min(p.values())][0]
   if p[g]==0:
    for i,d in I:
     if m+d in D and D[m+d][g]<D[m][g]:
 return o

Try it online!

Fairly certain after this that I will never win code-golf, but contributing because I enjoyed the exercise.

This version works by building a dictionary of reachable locations, with each entry being a dictionary whose keys are a unique ID for the treasure, and whose value is the shortest distance to that treasure. The code supports multiple values for P: for each one it outputs a path that collects the treasure. No optimization is attempted.. it picks the nearest treasure from its current location until all treasures are collected.

Python 3, 766 bytes

def f(s):
 I,o=([("L",-1),("R",1),("D",1j),("U",-1j)],"");P,M,T=map(lambda t:{x+y*1jfor y,l in enumerate(s)for x,c in enumerate(l)if c==t},'PMT');E=D={c:{d:0}for d in[-1]for c in T for d in[d+1]}
 while len(E):
  for c in D:
   for _,d in I:
    if 0<=m.real<len(s[0])and 0<=m.imag<len(s)and not m in M:
     T={t:D[c][t]+1for t in D[c]if not m in D or not t in D[m]}
     if any(T) or not m in D:
  for m in E:
   if m in D:
 for m in P:
  G=set(D[m].keys()if m in D else[])
  while G:
   p={g:D[m][g]for g in G};g=[g for g in p if p[g]==min(p.values())][0]
   if p[g]==0:
    for i,d in I:
     if m+d in D and D[m+d][g]<D[m][g]:
 return o

Try it online!

Fairly certain after this that I will never win code-golf, but contributing because I enjoyed the exercise.

This version works by building a dictionary of reachable locations, with each entry being a dictionary whose keys are a unique ID for the treasure, and whose value is the shortest distance to that treasure. The code supports multiple values for P: for each one it outputs a path that collects the treasures. No optimization is attempted.. it picks the nearest treasure from its current location until all treasures are collected.

Source Link

Python 3, 766 bytes

def f(s):
 I,o=([("L",-1),("R",1),("D",1j),("U",-1j)],"");P,M,T=map(lambda t:{x+y*1jfor y,l in enumerate(s)for x,c in enumerate(l)if c==t},'PMT');E=D={c:{d:0}for d in[-1]for c in T for d in[d+1]}
 while len(E):
  for c in D:
   for _,d in I:
    if 0<=m.real<len(s[0])and 0<=m.imag<len(s)and not m in M:
     T={t:D[c][t]+1for t in D[c]if not m in D or not t in D[m]}
     if any(T) or not m in D:
  for m in E:
   if m in D:
 for m in P:
  G=set(D[m].keys()if m in D else[])
  while G:
   p={g:D[m][g]for g in G};g=[g for g in p if p[g]==min(p.values())][0]
   if p[g]==0:
    for i,d in I:
     if m+d in D and D[m+d][g]<D[m][g]:
 return o

Try it online!

Fairly certain after this that I will never win code-golf, but contributing because I enjoyed the exercise.

This version works by building a dictionary of reachable locations, with each entry being a dictionary whose keys are a unique ID for the treasure, and whose value is the shortest distance to that treasure. The code supports multiple values for P: for each one it outputs a path that collects the treasure. No optimization is attempted.. it picks the nearest treasure from its current location until all treasures are collected.