C, 29 bytes (Emacs) / 40 bytes (VI)
Before creating program, doexecute the shell command
stty -ixon ### 11 bytes, with the newline
N.B this is required for most terminal editors, but is not required for emacs
then write this code:
N.B. '^S' is a single XONXOFF character e.g. in VI use control-V, control-SS; in emacs use control-Q, control-S; emacs turns off flow control by default.
I assume the comment [You can't type ^S in a Linux terminal] below left off an implied [without the stty command or equivalent e.g. emacs default behavior upon startup], otherwise that comment is inaccurate.
And here is the requested hexdump:
$ od -a -t x1 x.c
0000000 m a i n ( ) { p r i n t f ( " %
6d 61 69 6e 28 29 7b 70 72 69 6e 74 66 28 22 25
0000020 d " , ' j ' * ' dc3 ' ) ; } nl
64 22 2c 27 6a 27 2a 27 13 27 29 3b 7d 0a