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##F#, 128 bytes##

F#, 128 bytes

###Why not use Seq.mapi or similar?###

Why not use Seq.mapi or similar?

##F#, 128 bytes##

###Why not use Seq.mapi or similar?###

F#, 128 bytes

Why not use Seq.mapi or similar?

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##F#, 128 bytes##

let s(v:string)=Seq.mapFoldBack(fun r i->i*Seq.sumBy(fun c->match c with|'<'->10|'T'->1|_->0)r,i*60)(v.Split ' ')1|>fst|>Seq.sum

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Ungolfed it would look like this:

let s (v:string) =
    Seq.mapFoldBack(fun r i ->
        i * Seq.sumBy(fun c ->
            match c with
                | '<' -> 10
                | 'T' ->1
                | _ -> 0
        ) r, 
        i * 60) (v.Split ' ') 1
    |> fst
    |> Seq.sum

Seq.mapFoldBack combines and Seq.foldBack. Seq.mapFoldBack iterates through the sequence backwards, and threads an accumulator value through the sequence (in this case, i).

For each element in the sequence, the Babylonian number is computed (by Seq.sumBy, which maps each character to a number and totals the result) and then multiplied by i. i is then multiplied by 60, and this value is then passed to the next item in the sequence. The initial state for the accumulator is 1.

For example, the order of calls and results in Seq.mapFoldBack for input <<<TT \ TTTT would be:

(TTTT, 1)     -> (4, 60)
(\, 60)       -> (0, 3600)
(<<<TT, 3600) -> (115200, 216000)

The function will return a tuple of seq<int>, int. The fst function returns the first item in that tuple, and Seq.sum does the actual summing.

###Why not use Seq.mapi or similar?###

Seq.mapi maps each element in the sequence, and provides the index to the mapping function. From there you could do 60 ** index (where ** is the power operator in F#).

But ** requires floats, not ints, which means that you need to either initialise or cast all the values in the function as float. The entire function will return a float, which (in my opinion) is a little messy.

Using Seq.mapi it can be done like this for 139 bytes:

let f(v:string)=v.Split ' '|>Seq.rev|>Seq.mapi(fun i r->Seq.sumBy(fun c->match c with|'<'->10.0|'T'->1.0|_->0.0)r*(60.0**float i))|>Seq.sum