sed, 166165 bytes
s > >[-]+> g
s < << g
1s \. >[-]-R+[[>+<-]<[>+<-]<]>+[->>+]<[>+>>-<L+>R+<<<-]>[<+>-]+< g
1s .* R&<R+>
2s , ,[-]>[-]<L[[>]R<+L[<]>,]>,<L[[>]R<+L[<]>-]>[>]R+< g
s L <[<<]< g
s R >>[>>] g
For flavors with EOF = 0, cells left of start disallowed, 8-bit wrapping cells.
Expects program A on the first line and B on the second line.
This uses 2-cell nodes to simulate the tapes of A and B, with A's output occupying contiguous cells to the left of the leftmost node.
Alternative 174173-byte solution:
s > >[-]+> g
s < << g
1s \. >[-]-[>>]+[[>+<-]<[>+<-]<]>+[->>+]<[>>>-<<+[<<]<+>>>[>>]+<<<-]>[<+>-]+< g
2s , ,[-]>[-]<<[<<]<[[>]>>[>>]<+<[<<]<[<]>,]>,<<[<<]<[[>]>>[>>]<+<[<<]<[<]>-]>[>]>>[>>]+< g
Originally my design was based on a doubly infinite tape, which required significantly more work to move left (moving data when passing beyond the leftmost cell previously encountered) and to transition from A to B (clearing the data instead of just traveling past the rightmost cell previously encountered).
Thanks to Sylwester and Dorian for tricks and ideas.