Excel VBA, 176167 bytes
An immediate window function that takes input and output onto the Sheet1
Set s=Sheet1.Shapes:s.AddShape(9,0,0,1E2,1E2).ShapeStyle=7:f=50:c=[2*Pi()/B1]:For i=0To[B1]:j=(i*[A1])Mod[B1]j=i*[A1]:s.AddLine f+f*Cos(c*i),f+f*Sin(c*i),f+f*Cos(c*j),f+f*Sin(c*j):Next
###Ungolfed and Commented Set s=Sheet1.Shapes '' On the Sheet1 Object s.AddShape(9,0,0,1E2,1E2).ShapeStyle=7 '' Add a blue circle f=50 '' Hold var as 50 c=[2Pi()/B1] '' Calc Rads Splitting circle into k slices For i=0To[B1] '' Iterate from 0 to k j=(ij=i[A1])Mod[B1] '' Do mod Math '' Calculate Next Point s.AddLine f+fCos(ci),f+fSin(ci),f+fCos(cj),f+fSin(cj) '' Draw a line from i to i*n Mod k Next '' Loop