#GolfScript 43#43 41#
~10\?1:b 461,{)b*:b@+\}460*;*b/`);(;'2.'\
Edit: I might as well replace the 0 with the leftover 1 from initializing b, the resulting difference is far too small to make it to the output.
I left the old version as that is what I have documented below.
~10\?1:b;0 461,{)b*:b@+\}460*;*b/`);(;'2.'\
Take input and calculate 10^input, leave the result on the stack.
Store 1 in b.
0 461,
Put 0 on the stack, put the array [0 1 ... 459 460] on the stack.
{ }460*
Execute function 460 times.
Take the last element of the array, multiply it by b, store result in b and leave the result on the stack.
Switch the 0 (which is only a zero at the first iteration) to the top of the stack, add it to the leftover b value, and switch the result back again.
Remove the rest of the array (only [0] is left).
The number that was initialized to 0 now hold the value e460! and b hold 460!
Multiply 10^input by e460! (they are at this point the only 2 elements left on the stack).
Divide the result by b.
The stack now hold the value e*10^input which when converted to a string will hold all the decimals, but not the dot.
```);(;'2.'`` A bunch of string operations to fit in the dot.
e460! is calculated as 1 + 460 + 460459 + 460459458 etc.