Clean, 764 ... 686 bytes
import StdEnv,Math.Random,System._Unsafe,Text,System.Time
f=["",""," ":f]
w=" "
^ ="@@"
$s=g[hd u+t\\u<-s&t<-f]
r=repeatn 9
g=j w
s=split w
#!a=removeDup[[[w<+y.[0],x,"OF",y]\\w<-:"A123456789TJQK"&x<-s"ACE ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN JACK QUEEN KING",y<-s"CLUBS HEARTS DIAMONDS SPADES"]!!(i rem 52)\\i<-genRandInt(toInt(accUnsafe time))]%(0,8)
#b=insertAt(n/3*3+2)v(removeAt n a)
#c=c++removeMembers b c
#v=tl v
#(z,s)=foldl(\(c,s)k=let(p,q)=splitAt(9-size k)c in(d q++p,[j"@@ "[e<+w\\e<-:k]+j^["@@, ":[w\\_<-p]]:s]))(d c,[g(r^),g(map hd c),$b,g v,$a,$(r[^])])v
=d[j" @@ "["HERE'S","THE":y]+"! "+x:s]
Defines the function ? :: Int -> [String]
, taking the card number and returning a list of lines.
ExplainationExplanation coming when answer is finalized so I don't need to keep retyping it