Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
ṁΠuṖp - Full program, implicit input.
p - Prime factors.
Ṗ - Powerset.
u - Remove duplicates.
ṁΠ - Get the product of each list, sum and implicitly output.
ṁΠuṖp - Full program, implicit input.
p - Prime factors.
Ṗ - Powerset.
u - Remove duplicates.
ṁΠ - Get the product of each list, sum and implicitly output.
ṁΠuṖp - Full program, implicit input.
p - Prime factors.
Ṗ - Powerset.
u - Remove duplicates.
ṁΠ - Get the product of each list, sum and implicitly output.
Σ†ΠuṖpṁΠuṖp - Full program, implicit input.
p - Prime factors.
Ṗ - Powerset.
u - Remove duplicates.
†ΠṁΠ - Get the product of each list.
Σ -,Sumsum and implicitly output.
Σ†ΠuṖp - Full program, implicit input.
p - Prime factors.
Ṗ - Powerset.
u - Remove duplicates.
†Π - Get the product of each list.
Σ -Sum and implicitly output.
ṁΠuṖp - Full program, implicit input.
p - Prime factors.
Ṗ - Powerset.
u - Remove duplicates.
ṁΠ - Get the product of each list,sum and implicitly output.
Σ†ΠuṖp - Full program, implicit input.
p - Prime factors.
Ṗ - Powerset.
u - Remove duplicates.
†Π - Get the product of each list.
Σ - Sum and implicitly output.