#6502 Machine Code (C64) - Felix Palmen
6502 Machine Code (C64) - Felix Palmen
The correct answer is
The code is rather complicated, involving a lot of self modifying. So instead of fully reverse engineering it, you can just use it to crack itself.
Here's a slightly more helpful disassembly of the code, to help understand what happened. The syntax is for KickAssembler.
*=$c000 // LOAD ADDRESS
jsr $aefd //checks for a comma
jsr $ad9e /*Reads in an argument. Stores length of it into
$61, with the address of the stored arg in $62-3*/
jsr $b6a3 /*Evaluates the string, leaving the pointer on $22-3
and the length on A*/ //I think
ldy #$00
loop: lda thedata,y
cpy #$01
beq shuffle
cpy #$07
beq shuffle
cpy #$0b
beq shuffle
tricks: jsr output
bne loop
output: eor ($22),y //XOR's A with the y-eth letter of our input
jmp $ffd2 //good old CHROUT, returns to tricks above
thedata: .byte $f0,$48,$fa,$a2, $1c,$6d,$72,$30
.byte $06,$a9,$03,$48,$7c,$a3
shuffle: sta $c048 //drops A in mystery+4, over the constant
lda $c026,y
sta $c045 //overwrites the low byte of mystery
lda $c027,y
sta $c046 //overwrites the high byte of mystery
ldx #$00
mystery: lda $aefd,x
eor #$23
jsr output
cpx #$03
bne mystery
cpy #$0e
bne loop
eor #$1a
sta $d018
Labelling it up like this was enough for me to see that the code XORs a bunch of constants that are hidden around in order to print out what we need. Since XOR is reversible, if you input the desired output, it'll tell you what the key is.
So I switched the last line
/*from sta $d018
to*/ jsr $ffd2
so it would print the last required input instead of crashing on a wrong input.
And that's that!
If there's any interest, I'll crack the code more.