#Python3, 192 bytes Cracked I guess from sys import * from numpy import * e=enumerate c='Hello World!' w=eval(argv1) x=[ord(n)+2i for i,n in e(c)] print(''.join([c[int(sum([ccos(n*i)for i,c in e(w)])+.01)]for i,n in e(x)]))
Python3, 192 bytes Cracked I guess
from sys import *
from numpy import *
c='Hello World!'
x=[ord(n)+2*i for i,n in e(c)]
print(''.join([c[int(sum([c*cos(n*i)for i,c in e(w)])+.01)]for i,n in e(x)]))
The text it reads is the first program argument: python3 hw.py '[1,2,3]'
Don't be lame and try to put a print("Hello World!")
statement as the argument... it prints an error afterwards anyways (at least on the command line), so I don't think that should count. (Edit: somebody did exactly that)