s9s€5Ẏa;⁶;⁶z⁶Z - Link 1, make some candle parts & topping: number, age; character, part
s9 - split (implicit range(age)) into chunks of 9 (or remainder)
s€5 - split each chunk of 9 into chunks of 5 (a 5 and a 4 or remainder)
Ẏ - tighten (to a list of lists of length 5, 4, 5, 4, ..., remainder)
a - logical and with the part character (either | or * here)
;⁶ - concatenate a space (we all still want topping when no candles)
;⁶ - ...and another (we also want some extra topping below the last row)
z⁶ - transpose with filler space (fill the top with topping!)
Z - transpose (put it back around the right way again chef)
ç”|ṙ-ż"ç”*$U⁸RḤ’¤¦Ẏ€j@€“| “|”Zj@€⁾--Z”+®¦€0,1©¦;ṫ¥-Y - Main link: number, age
ç”| - call last link (1) as a dyad with '|'
ṙ- - rotate left by -1
$ - last two links as a monad:
ç”* - call (1) as a dyad with '*'
" - zip with the dyadic operation:
ż - zip (interleave each)
¦ - sparse application:
U - ...of: upend (reverse each)
¤ - ...to indexes: nilad+links as a nilad:
⁸ - chain's left argument, age
R - range
Ḥ - double (vectorises)
’ - increment
Ẏ€ - tighten €ach (from '|*' or '*|' pairs)
“| “|” - literal ["| ", "|"]
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add a little extra topping to the left, and add piping to the sides)
Z - transpose
⁾-- - literal "--"
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add piping to the top and bottom edges)
Z - transpose (time to invest in a potters wheel!)
¦ - sparse application:
0,1 - ...to indexes: [0,1] (both ends)
© - (copy that to the register)
€ - ...of: for each:
¦ - sparse application:
”+ - ...of: '+' character
® - ...to indexes: recall from register (both ends)
- - literal -1
¥ - last two links as a dyad
ṫ - tail from index (gets last two rows)
; - concatenate (repeats them underneath)
Y - join with newlines
- as a full program: implicit print
s9s€5Ẏa;⁶;⁶z⁶Z - Link 1, make some candle parts & topping: number, age; character, part
s9 - split (implicit range(age)) into chunks of 9 (or remainder)
s€5 - split each chunk of 9 into chunks of 5 (a 5 and a 4 or remainder)
Ẏ - tighten (to a list of lists of length 5, 4, 5, 4, ..., remainder)
a - logical and with the part character (either | or * here)
;⁶ - concatenate a space (we all still want topping when no candles)
;⁶ - ...and another (we also want some extra topping below the last row)
z⁶ - transpose with filler space (fill the top with topping!)
Z - transpose (put it back around the right way again chef)
ç”|ṙ-ż"ç”*$U⁸RḤ’¤¦Ẏ€j@€“| “|”Zj@€⁾--Z”+®¦€0,1©¦;ṫ¥-Y - Main link: number, age
ç”| - call last link (1) as a dyad with '|'
ṙ- - rotate left by -1
$ - last two links as a monad:
ç”* - call (1) as a dyad with '*'
" - zip with the dyadic operation:
ż - zip (interleave each)
¦ - sparse application:
U - ...of: upend (reverse each)
¤ - ...to indexes: nilad+links as a nilad:
⁸ - chain's left argument, age
R - range
Ḥ - double (vectorises)
’ - increment
Ẏ€ - tighten €ach (from '|*' pairs)
“| “|” - literal ["| ", "|"]
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add a little extra topping to the left, and add piping to the sides)
Z - transpose
⁾-- - literal "--"
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add piping to the top and bottom edges)
Z - transpose (time to invest in a potters wheel!)
¦ - sparse application:
0,1 - ...to indexes: [0,1] (both ends)
© - (copy that to the register)
€ - ...of: for each:
¦ - sparse application:
”+ - ...of: '+' character
® - ...to indexes: recall from register (both ends)
- - literal -1
¥ - last two links as a dyad
ṫ - tail from index (gets last two rows)
; - concatenate (repeats them underneath)
Y - join with newlines
- as a full program: implicit print
s9s€5Ẏa;⁶;⁶z⁶Z - Link 1, make some candle parts & topping: number, age; character, part
s9 - split (implicit range(age)) into chunks of 9 (or remainder)
s€5 - split each chunk of 9 into chunks of 5 (a 5 and a 4 or remainder)
Ẏ - tighten (to a list of lists of length 5, 4, 5, 4, ..., remainder)
a - logical and with the part character (either | or * here)
;⁶ - concatenate a space (we all still want topping when no candles)
;⁶ - ...and another (we also want some extra topping below the last row)
z⁶ - transpose with filler space (fill the top with topping!)
Z - transpose (put it back around the right way again chef)
ç”|ṙ-ż"ç”*$U⁸RḤ’¤¦Ẏ€j@€“| “|”Zj@€⁾--Z”+®¦€0,1©¦;ṫ¥-Y - Main link: number, age
ç”| - call last link (1) as a dyad with '|'
ṙ- - rotate left by -1
$ - last two links as a monad:
ç”* - call (1) as a dyad with '*'
" - zip with the dyadic operation:
ż - zip (interleave each)
¦ - sparse application:
U - ...of: upend (reverse each)
¤ - ...to indexes: nilad+links as a nilad:
⁸ - chain's left argument, age
R - range
Ḥ - double (vectorises)
’ - increment
Ẏ€ - tighten €ach (from '|*' or '*|' pairs)
“| “|” - literal ["| ", "|"]
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add a little extra topping to the left, and add piping to the sides)
Z - transpose
⁾-- - literal "--"
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add piping to the top and bottom edges)
Z - transpose (time to invest in a potters wheel!)
¦ - sparse application:
0,1 - ...to indexes: [0,1] (both ends)
© - (copy that to the register)
€ - ...of: for each:
¦ - sparse application:
”+ - ...of: '+' character
® - ...to indexes: recall from register (both ends)
- - literal -1
¥ - last two links as a dyad
ṫ - tail from index (gets last two rows)
; - concatenate (repeats them underneath)
Y - join with newlines
- as a full program: implicit print
ç”|ṙ-ż"ç”*$U⁸RḤ’¤¦j@€“|ż"ç”*$U⁸RḤ’¤¦Ẏ€j@€“| “|”Ẏ€Zj@€⁾“|”Zj@€⁾--Z”+®¦€0,1©¦;ṫ¥-Y
s9s€5Ẏa;⁶;⁶z⁶Z - Link 1, make some candle parts & topping: number, age; character, part
s9 - split (implicit range(age)) into chunks of 9 (or remainder)
s€5 - split each chunk of 9 into chunks of 5 (a 5 and a 4 or remainder)
Ẏ - tighten (to a list of lists of length 5, 4, 5, 4, ..., remainder)
a - logical and with the part character (either | or * here)
;⁶ - concatenate a space (we all still want topping when no candles)
;⁶ - ...and another (we also want some extra topping below the last row)
z⁶ - transpose with filler space (fill the top with topping!)
Z - transpose (put it back around the right way again chef)
ç”|ṙ-ż"ç”*$U⁸RḤ’¤¦Ẏ€j@€“| “|”Zj@€⁾--Z”+®¦€0,1©¦;ṫ¥-Y - Main link: number, age
ç”| - call last link (1) as a dyad with '|'
ṙ- - rotate left by -1
$ - last two links as a monad:
ç”* - call (1) as a dyad with '*'
" - zip with the dyadic operation:
ż - zip (interleave each)
¦ - sparse application:
U - ...of: upend (reverse each)
¤ - ...to indexes: nilad+links as a nilad:
⁸ - chain's left argument, age
R - range
Ḥ - double (vectorises)
’ - increment
Ẏ€ - tighten €ach (from '|*' pairs)
“| “|” - literal ["| ", "|"]
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add a little extra topping to the left, and add piping to the sides)
Z - transpose
⁾-- - literal "--"
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add piping to the top and bottom edges)
Z - transpose (time to invest in a potters wheel!)
¦ - sparse application:
0,1 - ...to indexes: [0,1] (both ends)
© - (copy that to the register)
€ - ...of: for each:
¦ - sparse application:
”+ - ...of: '+' character
® - ...to indexes: recall from register (both ends)
- - literal -1
¥ - last two links as a dyad
ṫ - tail from index (gets last two rows)
; - concatenate (repeats them underneath)
Y - join with newlines
- as a full program: implicit print
ç”|ṙ-ż"ç”*$U⁸RḤ’¤¦Ẏ€j@€“| “|”Zj@€⁾--Z”+®¦€0,1©¦;ṫ¥-Y
s9s€5Ẏa;⁶;⁶z⁶Z - Link 1, make some candle parts & topping: number, age; character, part
s9 - split (implicit range(age)) into chunks of 9 (or remainder)
s€5 - split each chunk of 9 into chunks of 5 (a 5 and a 4 or remainder)
Ẏ - tighten (to a list of lists of length 5, 4, 5, 4, ..., remainder)
a - logical and with the part character (either | or * here)
;⁶ - concatenate a space (we all still want topping when no candles)
;⁶ - ...and another (we also want some extra topping below the last row)
z⁶ - transpose with filler space (fill the top with topping!)
Z - transpose (put it back around the right way again chef)
ç”|ṙ-ż"ç”*$U⁸RḤ’¤¦Ẏ€j@€“| “|”Zj@€⁾--Z”+®¦€0,1©¦;ṫ¥-Y - Main link: number, age
ç”| - call last link (1) as a dyad with '|'
ṙ- - rotate left by -1
$ - last two links as a monad:
ç”* - call (1) as a dyad with '*'
" - zip with the dyadic operation:
ż - zip (interleave each)
¦ - sparse application:
U - ...of: upend (reverse each)
¤ - ...to indexes: nilad+links as a nilad:
⁸ - chain's left argument, age
R - range
Ḥ - double (vectorises)
’ - increment
Ẏ€ - tighten €ach (from '|*' pairs)
“| “|” - literal ["| ", "|"]
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add a little extra topping to the left, and add piping to the sides)
Z - transpose
⁾-- - literal "--"
j@€ - join (swap arguments) for €ach (add piping to the top and bottom edges)
Z - transpose (time to invest in a potters wheel!)
¦ - sparse application:
0,1 - ...to indexes: [0,1] (both ends)
© - (copy that to the register)
€ - ...of: for each:
¦ - sparse application:
”+ - ...of: '+' character
® - ...to indexes: recall from register (both ends)
- - literal -1
¥ - last two links as a dyad
ṫ - tail from index (gets last two rows)
; - concatenate (repeats them underneath)
Y - join with newlines
- as a full program: implicit print