#Java 8, 245 243 241 239 238 237 bytes (full program)
Java 8, 245 243 241 239 238 237 bytes (full program)
/**/interface M{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print("Hello, World!");}}//**/ iinntteerrffaaccee MM{{ssttaattiicc vvooiidd mmaaiinn((SSttrriinngg[[]]aa)){{SSyysstteemm..oouutt..pprriinntt((""HHeelllloo,, WWoorrlldd!!""));;}}}
After removing every other character:
/*itraeMsai odmi(tig])Sse.u.rn(Hlo ol!)}/*/interface M{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print("Hello, World!");}}
-2 bytes (243 → 241) thanks to @OlivierGrégoire.
-2 bytes (241 → 239) by creating a port of @SuperStormer's JavaScript answer.
#Java 8, 63 bytes (lambda function)
Java 8, 63 bytes (lambda function)
/**/v->"Hello, World!"//**/vv-->>""HHeelllloo,, WWoorrlldd!!""
After removing every other character:
/*v>Hlo ol!/*/v->"Hello, World!"
Utilizes //abc
single-line comments and /*abc*/
multi-line comments.
See the Java-highlighting of the two programs/functions to see how these type of comments are used.