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module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
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module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
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A Haskell solution, using popCount and manually managed parallelism

A brute force Haskell solution, that is much faster thanCompile: ghc -rtsopts -threaded -O2 -fllvm -Wall foo.hs

(drop the flawr one.-llvm if it doesn't work)

Run : ./foo +RTS -N

module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ S.fromListmkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ map\(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (pairs'mkSet n mi ma) [0>>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty (2<$> ^mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)]

main :: IO ()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering 
 >>   mapM_ (printf .>=> fprint) [1..]

A brute force Haskell solution, that is much faster than the flawr one.

module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import System.IO

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1
                     else 0

f :: Int -> Int
f n = S.size $ S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [0 .. (2 ^ (n - 1))]

main :: IO ()
main = hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering >> mapM_ (print . f) [1..]

A Haskell solution, using popCount and manually managed parallelism

Compile: ghc -rtsopts -threaded -O2 -fllvm -Wall foo.hs

(drop the -llvm if it doesn't work)

Run : ./foo +RTS -N

module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntSet as S 
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)

pairs' :: Int -> Word64 -> Int
pairs' n s = fromIntegral $ foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map mk [1..n]
  where mk d = let mask = 1 `shiftL` d - 1 
                   pc = popCount $! xor (s `shiftR` (n - d)) (s .&. mask)
               in  if pc <= 1 
                     then mask + 1 
                     else 0 

mkSet :: Int -> Word64 -> Word64 -> S.IntSet
mkSet n a b = S.fromList $ map (pairs' n) [a .. b]

f :: Int -> IO Int
f n 
   | n < 4 = return $ S.size $ mkSet n 0 mxbound
   | otherwise = do
        mvs <- replicateM 4 newEmptyMVar
        forM_ (zip mvs cpairs) $ \(mv,(mi,ma)) -> forkIO $ do
          evaluate (mkSet n mi ma) >>= putMVar mv
        set <- foldl' S.union S.empty <$> mapM readMVar mvs
        return $! S.size set
     mxbound = 1 `shiftL` (n - 1)
     bounds = [0,1 `shiftL` (n - 3) .. mxbound]
     cpairs = zip bounds (drop 1 bounds)

main :: IO()
main = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering 
    mapM_ (f >=> print) [1..]
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