Assuming 'lol' with a variavle number of 'o's. Print a the following phrase:
What does 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ... 'o' stand for?
lol -> What does 1st 'o' stand for?
loooool -> What does 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th 'o' stand for?
So far I managed to write a 128 characters solution in Perl:
$l=(<>=~tr/o//);print"What does ";print$_,$_==1?'st':$_==2?'nd':$_==3?'rd':'th',$_<$l?', ':''for(1..$l);print " 'o' stand for?";
and a 123 characters solution in Haskell:
p 1="1st";p 2="2nd";p 3="3rd";p n=show n++"th";main=putStr$"What does "++(foldr(++)"'o' stand for?"[p i++", "|i<-[1..23]]);
How short can you write it?