Tcl, 9291 bytes
set a {}
time {set aputs [format %c%[expr [expr13+[incr 123-[incri]/2]s i]]]$a;puts[set a [format %[expr%c 13+$i/2]s[expr $a]123-$i]]$a]]} 26
With the help of ChatGPT
set a {}
time {set a [format %c [expr 123-[incr i]]]$a;puts [format %[expr 13+$i/2]s $a]} 26
set a {}
set i 123
time {set a [format %c [incr i -1]]$a;puts [format %[expr 74-$i/2]s $a]} 26
In the middle of the process, I accidentaly got the italic version of the hat:
#tcl, 94
set a {}
set i 123
time {set a [format %c [incr i -1]]$a;puts [format %[expr $i/2-24]s $a]} 26
set a {}
set i 123
while \$i>97 {set a [format %c [incr i -1]]$a;puts [format %[expr ($i-48)/2]s $a]}
In the middle of the process, I accidentaly got the italic version of the hat:
#tcl, 99
set a {}
set i 123
while \$i>97 {set a [format %c [incr i -1]]$a;puts [format %[expr $i/2-24]s $a]}