JavaScript (ES6), 86 bytes
Takes input via the currying syntax, e.g., (4)('12')
'use strict';
const G=n=>(d,F=(i,P=j=>i%--j?P(j):1==j)=>P(i)&&`${i}`.match(`^[${d}]{${n}}$`)?i:F(i+1))=>F(2)
const submit = () => {
button.onclick = submit;
<input id="n" type="number" min="1" value="4" />
<input id="d" type="text" value="12" />
<button id="button">Submit</button>
To be run in strict mode (for tail call optimisation [TCO]). If your environment doesn't support TCO it will result in a stack overflow error for primes larger than the environments stack.
For invalid inputs it will run forever.
Note: Chrome users can go to chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony
and enable this flag to run the above snippet with TCO support.
- Chrome (>= 51) users can go to
and enable this flag to run the above snippet with TCO support. - Safari (>= 10) supports TCO