Noodel, noncompeting 24 25 bytes
Had to add a byte because messed up the compression algorithm:(
Try it:)
“Loading...¤ # Creates a string that is "Loading...¤" that is placed into the pipe.
‘|/-\ # Creates a character array ["|", "/", "-", "\"]
⁺ʂ # Adds two items in the pipe which will add the string to each character in the array. The 'ʂ' forces it to prepend rather than append.
ḷ # Unconditionally Loop everything up until a new line or end of program.
ạ # Basic animation, iterates through an object moving to the next index every call on that object and returns what is at that index.
Ç # Clears the screen then prints what is in the front of the pipe and dumps what was displayed.
ḍ/4 # Delays for the specified amount of time (/4 => 1/4 => 0.25s)