#3. Minkolang v0.15 (26 bytes)
3. Minkolang v0.15 (26 bytes)
This program prints 1 in Python 3, 2 in Vim, and 3 in Minkolang v0.15
I hope I don't mess things up by introducing a 2d language
# stops program from moving through time (really does nothing)
>>>>>>>> I can't use a space because then the program will move through time
v go down
> go right
3N. Outputs 3 and end program
Anything afterward is ignored since program has ended
Vim somehow ignores Minkolang, so that's good
And there really wasn't a problem with Python since it ignores the comments #
For the next language, I suggest something like ><> since #
acts as a reflector (so that the direction will change to left and it will wrap to all the way in the right) so you can add code that can be ignored by other languages