PHP, 96 bytes
Takes n
as a command line argument.
for(;$i<$argv[1];)!($p=array_product($d=str_split(++$j)))|$j%array_sum($d)||$j%$p?:$i++;echo $j;
for(;$i<$argv[1];)!($p=array_product($d=str_split(++$j)))|$j%array_sum($d)||$j%$p?:$i++;echo $j;
for (; $i < $argv[1];) // Loop until we've found the nth number as pass by command line
!($p = array_product($d = str_split(++$j))) || // Split our current number into its digits and assign that to a variable, then assign the product of that array to another variable.
// As well, we're checking if the product equals 0, to prevent an error from trying to mod by 0 later. The condition short circuits before it happens.
$j % array_sum($d) || // Check if the sum of the array is a divisor
$j % $p // Check if the product is a divisor
?: $i++; // Increment the number of found instances only if all conditions are met.
echo $j; // Output to screen.