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So this answer uses a trick, which some may consider a loophole. Actually uses two tricks. So I'm going to explain how it works.
If the OP wants to patch this approach out of the challenge, I will delete my answer.
Skew polyhedra
The exact definition of a polyhedron varies from person to person. Some circumstances require that a polyhedron be finite and not self intersect, this gives 5 regular polyhedra, some allow self intersection but still require finiteness, this gives 9 regular polyhedra, some times Euclidean tilings are considered as well giving 12.
However in the beginning of the 20th century Petrie and Coxeter discovered 3 regular polyhedra that hadn't been considered before. These were infinite polyhedra with flat non-intersecting faces, however they didn't have insides, so they hadn't been considered before. Pictured below is a section of the mucube, one of the three:
This discovery lead to a new definition of polytope (and by extension a new definition of polyhedron). This definition was first given by Branko Grünbaum in the paper Regular polyhedra - old and new, but has been used pretty extensively. Under this definition vertices (and edges) have exact locations, but the higher dimensional elements no longer needed to have exact interiors. A polygon is just a sequence of vertices pairwise connected by edges, such that you can reach any vertex from any other by following edges. A polyhedron is shape made out of polygons with exactly two meeting at every edge.
For example, classically a polygon needs to be "flat" meaning all of its vertices lie in a plane. However skew polygons can have vertices which lie in higher dimensional space. For example here's a 4-dimensional regular polygon:
Image by Plasmath see this page for liscensing
(We will come back to this particular polygon later)
The same can also be done with polyhedra. Instead of requiring that the vertices of a polyhedron lie strictly in 3D space with each face lying on a plane, you can have polyhedra whose vertices span 4 or greater dimensions, and whose faces are non-planar.
Lots of great work would be done with this definition. I'd especially like to point out the work of McMullen and Schulte. The have a paper classifying all the regular polyhedra in 3-space, which has been summarized in this excellent youtube video:
jan Misali, there are 48 regular polyhedra
This definition is the one I am using in this answer.
Now the challenge says:
Your task is to output the vertex coordinates of a regular dodecahedron. The size, orientation, and position of the dodecahedron are up to you, as long as it is regular.
So I just need to choose a regular dodecahedron. It turns out there are 28 distinct ways to realize the regular dodecahedron {5,3} in Euclidean space. The dodecahedron I chose is the its "Simplex realization". In general you can take any regular polyhedron with \$n\$ vertices and create an fully symmetric realization of it on a \$(n-1)\$-simplex. This is because all the symmetries of a polyhedron are permutations of its vertices. The symmetries of a simplex are all the permutations of its vertices. So when we place the vertices of a polyhedron on the vertices of a simplex every symmetry is possible. So this realization is always fully regular with maximum symmetry.
The dodecahedron has 20 vertices so that means the vertices of its simplex realization are the vertices of the 19-simplex. At first glance I've just made my problem much harder. The vertices of the 19-simplex centered at the origin are nasty, way worse than the vertices of the convex regular dodecahedron.
So here's where the second trick comes in. The vertices of a regular \$n\$-simplex are actually really simple if you express them in \$n+1\$ dimensions. If you place each vertex on an axis, all at the same distance from the origin, then permuting the axes is exactly the same as permuting the vertices. So this is fully regular, in fact its the same simplex its just lying on a weird hyperplane.
For example you can give the vertices of the triangle as:
(1,0,0) \\
(0,1,0) \\
(0,0,1) \\
This is a regular 2D triangle. This same trick comes up if you want to represent triangular (or hexagonal) coordinates. Instead of using 2D space and complicated square roots, you can represent them in 3D space as triplets of integers.
So returning to the problem at hand, the 19 simplex can be given in 20 dimensions as all permutations of \$(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)\$. Its symmetries being all permutations of of the coordinate axes.
So in summary, I am giving the vertices for a 19-dimensional dodecahedron in 20 dimensional space.
I can't exactly render this in any way that is helpful. But its faces I can say its faces are the regular 4D pentagon shown earlier. If you want to try to imagine 12 of those in 20 dimensional space.