
This is the robber's thread of a challenge. You can view the cop's thread here

A pretty common beginner style question is to print some string, but, there's a catch!, you need to do it without using any of the characters in the string itself!

For this challenge we will find out who is the best at printing X without X. There are two threads to this, a cop's thread and a robber's thread.

In the cop's thread users will choose a language (which we will call Y) and a string (which we will call X) and write a program in language Y which takes no input and outputs X without using any of the characters in X. The cop will then post both X and Y without revealing the program they have written.

Robbers will be select cop answers and write programs in language Y which take no input and output X. They will post these "cracks" as answers in this thread. A crack need only work not be the intended solution.

Once a cop's answer is one week old, so long as it has not been cracked, the cop may reveal their program and mark it as "safe". Safe answers can no longer be cracked

Robbers will be scored by the total number of successful cracks with more cracks being better.

  • 5
    \$\begingroup\$ Congrats on an excellent challenge with high 'replay value'. I've had a lot of fun participating on both sides, digging into a couple of languages for the first time along the way. \$\endgroup\$
    – Dingus
    Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 3:22

142 Answers 142

1 2 3 4

Keg, cracks Lyxal's answer


Ungolfed to avoid what appears to be a bug in Keg. I can't remember if this is exactly what I had in mind a month ago as I can't find the file and never bothered to generate a TIO link in my history, but I reckon it's pretty close.

Try it online


While taking away + and - will make it a little harder to generate numbers, % is still a powerful tool. Unsurprisingly, it's a modulo operator, and by moduloing, say, 65 and 97 (characters A and a, respectively), we can get 32, corresponding to space. It's just subtraction with more steps! We mostly just abuse this to get the characters we need, occasionally switching our base to something like a. This won't work for characters greater than 125 (I mean, it could, but I don't want to look up UTF-8 codes), however, and we need two of these: ~ and . For ~ we just multiply 6, 7, and 3 to get 126. has a prime factorization of 2^3 * 5 * 233, so we use é (char code 233), 8, and 5 and multiply through.


AlphaBeta, 228 bytes, cracks @PkmnQ's answer


Try it online!

w        # set Register 3 value to 1 (Register 1 to the power of Register 2; both initially 0)
EF       # copy Register 3 value to Registers 1 and 2
r        # set Register 3 value to 2 (sum of values of Registers 1 and 2)
Er × 94  # 94 times, increment Registers 1 and 3
ErL × 12 # 12 times, increment Registers 1 and 3 and print Register 3 as char
  • \$\begingroup\$ nEFrErEFrEFrEFrEFrEFrEynFrLErLErLErLErLErLErLErLErLErLErLErL is shorter, but this isn't code golf \$\endgroup\$
    – PkmnQ
    Commented Nov 6, 2020 at 10:11

Lua, 2433 bytes, cracks @LuaNoob's second answer


Try it online! Untested in 5.1 (TIO has 5.3.5), but I don't believe there's any code here that depends on the minor version.

Pretty similar to the first crack. This time we don't have a or #, which we work around by calling string.char as _G[([[string]])][string.lower([[CHAR]])] and # as string.len. I used this Ruby code to generate the Lua:

X = %q(0123456789 "#$&'*+-/\\a)
luaify = ->(s) { s.bytes.map{|b|"_G[([[string]])][string.lower([[CHAR]])](string.len([[#{'.'*b}]]))"}*'..' }
print "io.write(#{luaify[X]})"

Try it online!

  • \$\begingroup\$ let me fix that ASAP :D \$\endgroup\$
    – LuaNoob
    Commented Feb 7, 2021 at 17:09

Forth (gforth), 13 bytes, cracks binarycat's challenge


Try it online!

This also happens to be my first Forth program. 😃


It is really simple. I use .\" which allows me to use C-style escapes, and then I use a vertical tab (0x0B) to delimit the tokens, as Gforth uses the same whitespace rules as isspace(). The rest is just writing everything in C escapes.


Rattle, 48 bytes, cracks @DanielH.'s answer


Try it online!

Pretty straightforward: push a bunch of values to the stack, then either print them as characters (,) or concatenate them to the print buffer (b) as floats. I use %= (modulo with top of stack) to reset the stack.

  • \$\begingroup\$ This is awesome - this is the first answer (that I know of) by a user other than myself in Rattle! By the way, the default argument for the = command is 0, so you can actually remove the % \$\endgroup\$
    – d01
    Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 5:13
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @DanielH. I found it pretty easy to get up and running (albeit only doing really basic stuff). Looks like an interesting language. \$\endgroup\$
    – Dingus
    Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 6:24

Dis, 47 bytes, cracks @tailsparkrabbitear's answer


Try it online! Link compiles and runs a copy of Ben Olmstead's interpreter in C.


We make use of self-modifying code to execute the banned print instruction.

*|||                                         >  # set the accumulator to 123; also store 123 in cell 45
    _________________________________________   # no-ops
                                             >  # execute cell 45 (modified to codepoint 123), i.e. print accumulator as ASCII character
                                              ! # terminate
  • \$\begingroup\$ Great that it's shorter than my original answer! \$\endgroup\$
    – user100411
    Commented Jul 23, 2021 at 3:45

Javastack, cracks AUsername's sixth answer

((alphabet length not not) * 1234567890) (add * 1234567889) quote add alphabet alphabet length not not double index add alphabet (alphabet length not not * 17) (add * 16) index add alphabet (alphabet length not not * 18) (add * 17) index add 

Yeah this was way easier than last year's round 6. All I had to do was just change the answer to round 5. ;P


Javastack, cracks Enamresu A's twelfth answer

"abcegiln" "a" ascii "0" "" replace "1" "" replace "2" "" replace "3" "" replace "4" "" replace "5" "" replace "6" "" replace "7" "" replace "8" "" replace "9" "" replace "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace "A" "" replace "B" "" replace "C" "" replace "D" "" replace "E" "" replace "F" "" replace "G" "" replace "H" "" replace "I" "" replace "J" "" replace "K" "" replace "L" "" replace "M" "" replace "N" "" replace "O" "" replace "P" "" replace "Q" "" replace "R" "" replace "S" "" replace "T" "" replace "U" "" replace "V" "" replace "W" "" replace "X" "" replace "Y" "" replace "Z" "" replace "!" "" replace "~" "" replace " " "" replace "#" "" replace "&" "" replace "%" "" replace "'" "" replace "/" "" replace ":" "" replace "@" "" replace iterate pop pop pop pair pair pair pair pair pair pair swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate pop pop pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop replace "b" ascii "0" "" replace "1" "" replace "2" "" replace "3" "" replace "4" "" replace "5" "" replace "6" "" replace "7" "" replace "8" "" replace "9" "" replace "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace "A" "" replace "B" "" replace "C" "" replace "D" "" replace "E" "" replace "F" "" replace "G" "" replace "H" "" replace "I" "" replace "J" "" replace "K" "" replace "L" "" replace "M" "" replace "N" "" replace "O" "" replace "P" "" replace "Q" "" replace "R" "" replace "S" "" replace "T" "" replace "U" "" replace "V" "" replace "W" "" replace "X" "" replace "Y" "" replace "Z" "" replace "!" "" replace "~" "" replace " " "" replace "#" "" replace "&" "" replace "%" "" replace "'" "" replace "/" "" replace ":" "" replace "@" "" replace iterate pop pop pop pair pair pair pair pair pair pair swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate pop pop pop pop pop pop pop replace "c" ascii "0" "" replace "1" "" replace "2" "" replace "3" "" replace "4" "" replace "5" "" replace "6" "" replace "7" "" replace "8" "" replace "9" "" replace "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace "A" "" replace "B" "" replace "C" "" replace "D" "" replace "E" "" replace "F" "" replace "G" "" replace "H" "" replace "I" "" replace "J" "" replace "K" "" replace "L" "" replace "M" "" replace "N" "" replace "O" "" replace "P" "" replace "Q" "" replace "R" "" replace "S" "" replace "T" "" replace "U" "" replace "V" "" replace "W" "" replace "X" "" replace "Y" "" replace "Z" "" replace "!" "" replace "~" "" replace " " "" replace "#" "" replace "&" "" replace "%" "" replace "'" "" replace "/" "" replace ":" "" replace "@" "" replace iterate pop pop pop pair pair pair pair pair pair pair swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate pop pop pop pop pop swap pop swap pop replace "e" ascii "0" "" replace "1" "" replace "2" "" replace "3" "" replace "4" "" replace "5" "" replace "6" "" replace "7" "" replace "8" "" replace "9" "" replace "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace "A" "" replace "B" "" replace "C" "" replace "D" "" replace "E" "" replace "F" "" replace "G" "" replace "H" "" replace "I" "" replace "J" "" replace "K" "" replace "L" "" replace "M" "" replace "N" "" replace "O" "" replace "P" "" replace "Q" "" replace "R" "" replace "S" "" replace "T" "" replace "U" "" replace "V" "" replace "W" "" replace "X" "" replace "Y" "" replace "Z" "" replace "!" "" replace "~" "" replace " " "" replace "#" "" replace "&" "" replace "%" "" replace "'" "" replace "/" "" replace ":" "" replace "@" "" replace iterate pop pop pop pair pair pair pair pair pair pair swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate pop pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop replace "g" ascii "0" "" replace "1" "" replace "2" "" replace "3" "" replace "4" "" replace "5" "" replace "6" "" replace "7" "" replace "8" "" replace "9" "" replace "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace "A" "" replace "B" "" replace "C" "" replace "D" "" replace "E" "" replace "F" "" replace "G" "" replace "H" "" replace "I" "" replace "J" "" replace "K" "" replace "L" "" replace "M" "" replace "N" "" replace "O" "" replace "P" "" replace "Q" "" replace "R" "" replace "S" "" replace "T" "" replace "U" "" replace "V" "" replace "W" "" replace "X" "" replace "Y" "" replace "Z" "" replace "!" "" replace "~" "" replace " " "" replace "#" "" replace "&" "" replace "%" "" replace "'" "" replace "/" "" replace ":" "" replace "@" "" replace iterate pop pop pop pair pair pair pair pair pair pair swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop replace "i" ascii "0" "" replace "1" "" replace "2" "" replace "3" "" replace "4" "" replace "5" "" replace "6" "" replace "7" "" replace "8" "" replace "9" "" replace "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace "A" "" replace "B" "" replace "C" "" replace "D" "" replace "E" "" replace "F" "" replace "G" "" replace "H" "" replace "I" "" replace "J" "" replace "K" "" replace "L" "" replace "M" "" replace "N" "" replace "O" "" replace "P" "" replace "Q" "" replace "R" "" replace "S" "" replace "T" "" replace "U" "" replace "V" "" replace "W" "" replace "X" "" replace "Y" "" replace "Z" "" replace "!" "" replace "~" "" replace " " "" replace "#" "" replace "&" "" replace "%" "" replace "'" "" replace "/" "" replace ":" "" replace "@" "" replace iterate pop pop pop pair pair pair pair pair pair pair swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate pop pop pop pop swap pop swap pop swap pop replace "l" ascii "0" "" replace "1" "" replace "2" "" replace "3" "" replace "4" "" replace "5" "" replace "6" "" replace "7" "" replace "8" "" replace "9" "" replace "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace "A" "" replace "B" "" replace "C" "" replace "D" "" replace "E" "" replace "F" "" replace "G" "" replace "H" "" replace "I" "" replace "J" "" replace "K" "" replace "L" "" replace "M" "" replace "N" "" replace "O" "" replace "P" "" replace "Q" "" replace "R" "" replace "S" "" replace "T" "" replace "U" "" replace "V" "" replace "W" "" replace "X" "" replace "Y" "" replace "Z" "" replace "!" "" replace "~" "" replace " " "" replace "#" "" replace "&" "" replace "%" "" replace "'" "" replace "/" "" replace ":" "" replace "@" "" replace iterate pop pop pop pair pair pair pair pair pair pair swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop replace "n" ascii "0" "" replace "1" "" replace "2" "" replace "3" "" replace "4" "" replace "5" "" replace "6" "" replace "7" "" replace "8" "" replace "9" "" replace "a" "" replace "b" "" replace "c" "" replace "e" "" replace "g" "" replace "i" "" replace "l" "" replace "n" "" replace "o" "" replace "p" "" replace "q" "" replace "r" "" replace "s" "" replace "t" "" replace "w" "" replace "x" "" replace "y" "" replace "z" "" replace "A" "" replace "B" "" replace "C" "" replace "D" "" replace "E" "" replace "F" "" replace "G" "" replace "H" "" replace "I" "" replace "J" "" replace "K" "" replace "L" "" replace "M" "" replace "N" "" replace "O" "" replace "P" "" replace "Q" "" replace "R" "" replace "S" "" replace "T" "" replace "U" "" replace "V" "" replace "W" "" replace "X" "" replace "Y" "" replace "Z" "" replace "!" "" replace "~" "" replace " " "" replace "#" "" replace "&" "" replace "%" "" replace "'" "" replace "/" "" replace ":" "" replace "@" "" replace iterate pop pop pop pair pair pair pair pair pair pair swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop swap pop iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate iterate pop pop pop pop pop pop swap pop replace

... 10526 bytes. This one was suffering.


Javastack, cracks Enamresu A eighth answer

zpake zpake equal "" add "" ceil index  
zpake zpake equal "" add (1) index add
(111) zpake zpake equal "" add (1) index "cha" add eval add
(115) zpake zpake equal "" add (1) index "cha" add eval add
(98) zpake zpake equal "" add (1) index "cha" add eval add
(103) zpake zpake equal "" add (1) index "cha" add eval add
(1234567890) add

For clarity:

zpake ceil zpake ceil equal = 1
(zpake ceil zpake ceil equal * n)(add * n - 1) = n

JavaScript abuse ftw

  • \$\begingroup\$ This is exactly what I had, pretty much. Nice job, this is beautiful. \$\endgroup\$
    – emanresu A
    Commented Aug 8, 2021 at 4:08

Javastack, cracks Enamresu A's seventh (yes, seventh) answer

((alphabet length alphabet length divide) * 1234567890) (add * 1234567889)
alphabet (4) index alphabet (19) index add alphabet (14) index add alphabet (20) index add alphabet (16) index add eval add
alphabet (2) index add
alphabet (position of r in the alphabet) index add
alphabet (position of s in the alphabet) index add
alphabet (position of y in the alphabet) index add
alphabet (position of o in the alphabet) index add

Replace numbers in brackets ((n)) with (alphabet length alphabet length divide) * n (add * n - 1)

Do you see how I put seventh in italics? That's an ode to the fact that this isn't my first time reaching round 7 of a match.


Javastack, cracks Enamresu A's fifth answer

((maybe length not) * 1234567890) (add * 1234567889) quote add alphabet maybe length not double index add alphabet (maybe length not * 17) (add * 16) index add alphabet (maybe length not * 18) (add * 17) index add 

Traditionally, the next round is the one where I actually have to think for a while. Here's hoping I don't.


Javastack, cracks Enamresu A's fourth answer

not times context (increment * 1234567890) context (increment * 34) char context (increment * ascii value of "q") pair context (increment * ascii value of "d") join context (increment * ascii value of "l") pair context (increment * ascii value of "w") join pair sum

Vyxal features ftw.

That's enough for today.


Javastack, cracks Enamresu A's third answer

not increment * 1234567889 flatprint not increment * (ascii value of " - 1) char flatprint not increment * (ascii value of d - 1) flatprint not increment * (ascii value of w - 1) flatprint not increment * (ascii value of q - 1) flatprint

H...hey actually give me time to actually write a post please!


Javastack, cracks AUsername's thirteenth answer

107 char 100 char 115 char 109 char 117 char 106 char 118 char 102 char 98 char wrap 1 repeat "," "" replace

Sussy baka


Vyxal O, 707126 bytes, cracks EmanresuA's seventh (yes, seventh) answer



Full code


Vyxal O, 299195 bytes, cracks EmanresuA's eigth answer



Full code



Vyxal O, 801294 bytes, cracks EmanresuA's ninth answer



Full code (ignore the file name it's a very unfunny joke)



Vyxal, 1606416 bytes, cracks lyxal's answer



Full code

Generator program


!@#$%^&*()_+, 141 bytes, cracks @null's answer


Try it online!

The strategy to print a character is simple:

  1. Find the character's codepoint and execute that many copies of the * command. Each * attempts to read a byte of input from STDIN, but when the input is empty \$-1\$ is added to the top of the stack instead.
  2. Negate the top of stack (_).
  3. Pop and print the top of stack as a character (@).

(Using loops might be shorter, but this isn't code golf.)

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ This was the intended solution, but only after I posted the cop, I realized that `**@,*@ works. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 4:34
  • \$\begingroup\$ Next challenge coming soon. P. S. This tricked is used in my reverse input answer, and I think that's pretty neat. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 4:34
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @null Ha, I completely missed that helpful sentence at the bottom of the readme: 'All other characters push their values'. Lucky this wasn't code golf! \$\endgroup\$
    – Dingus
    Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 4:47
  • \$\begingroup\$ Here's a better documentation. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 13:21

Brainf**k - 98 Bytes CreaZyp154's Answer





Brainfuck, cracks CreaZyp154's answer


Attempt This Online!

  • \$\begingroup\$ It seems this was already cracked although no comment was left. \$\endgroup\$
    – Wheat Wizard
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 16:55
  • \$\begingroup\$ Should I delete the answer? \$\endgroup\$
    – matteo_c
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 9:31

APL (Dyalog Unicode), 81 bytes, cracks Ada's answer


Try it online!

This was pretty easy. ⎕A is our escape hatch - it's the list of all 26 capital letters in the English alplhabet. We want ⎕AV, a string containing all the letters Unicode APL uses. 22⊃⎕A gets the 22nd element of ⎕A ("V"), and we append that to the string '⎕A' and execute it to get the value of ⎕AV. That is assigned to a variable .

1 2 3 4

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