This is the robber's thread of a cops-and-robbers challenge. You can view the cop's thread here
A pretty common beginner style question is to print some string, but, there's a catch!, you need to do it without using any of the characters in the string itself!
For this challenge we will find out who is the best at printing X without X. There are two threads to this, a cop's thread and a robber's thread.
In the cop's thread users will choose a language (which we will call Y) and a string (which we will call X) and write a program in language Y which takes no input and outputs X without using any of the characters in X. The cop will then post both X and Y without revealing the program they have written.
Robbers will be select cop answers and write programs in language Y which take no input and output X. They will post these "cracks" as answers in this thread. A crack need only work not be the intended solution.
Once a cop's answer is one week old, so long as it has not been cracked, the cop may reveal their program and mark it as "safe". Safe answers can no longer be cracked
Robbers will be scored by the total number of successful cracks with more cracks being better.