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Stephen's user avatar
Stephen's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
4 votes

Make your language *mostly* unusable! (Cops' thread)

4 votes

Greeting The User

4 votes

Smallest Harmonic number greater than N

4 votes

Multiply or Divide by n

3 votes

Pi to the power y, for small y's

3 votes

It almost works (Robbers' Thread)

3 votes

The Squaring Sequence

3 votes

It almost works (Robbers' Thread)

3 votes

Element of string at specified index

3 votes

Prisoner's Dilemma v.3 - Petri Dilemma

3 votes

Is this relationship creepy?

3 votes

Validate 2Col syntax!

3 votes

A-Z in 10's, you see?

3 votes

Sum of all integers from 1 to n

3 votes

Count up forever

3 votes

One OEIS after another

3 votes

One OEIS after another

3 votes

One OEIS after another

3 votes

Levenshtein distance & OEIS (Cops)

3 votes

Reversed Engineered from Uniqueness (Cop's Thread)

3 votes

Swap the Sequence

3 votes

Diagonal Alphabet To the Input

2 votes

One OEIS after another

2 votes

Walkers Join! - Alan Walker's logo

2 votes

One OEIS after another

2 votes

One OEIS after another

2 votes

One OEIS after another

2 votes

Turn an integer n into a list containing it n times

2 votes

One OEIS after another

2 votes

One OEIS after another