numbermaniac's user avatar
numbermaniac's user avatar
numbermaniac's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Melbourne, Australia
5 votes

How much do I have to write?

4 votes

Convert singular to plural

3 votes

Animate the text in your terminal

3 votes

100 Day Countdown

3 votes

Reverse and add degeneracy

3 votes

Is it a factor of a polynomial?

3 votes

Output Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

2 votes

Does the start equal the end?

2 votes

Shift characters in a string

2 votes

Compute the Discrete Cosine Transform

2 votes

Swap the parity

2 votes

Swap the parity

2 votes

Monday Mini-Golf #7: Simplify ingredient measurements

1 vote

Element of string at specified index

1 vote

Insist on an answer

1 vote

Collatz Conjecture (OEIS A006577)

1 vote

You had me at hello

1 vote

Output the nth rational number according to the Stern-Brocot sequence

1 vote

Leaderboard golf

1 vote

Shortest Error Message

1 vote

Sum of all integers from 1 to n

1 vote

Sum of all integers from 1 to n

1 vote

Find the tangent of the sum of inverse tangents

1 vote

Evaluate the primorial of a number

1 vote

Sum of primes between given range

1 vote

Swap the parity

1 vote

Exponent of complex numbers

1 vote

Multiply and Divide

1 vote

Given an int input n, print out n*reversed(n)

1 vote

Reverse Array Sum