12Me21's user avatar
12Me21's user avatar
12Me21's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

Art Attack KoTH

1 vote

Semi-Diagonal Alphabet

1 vote

What year is it?

1 vote

Sum of all integers from 1 to n

1 vote

CodeGolf - Heads or Tails

1 vote

Art Attack KoTH

1 vote

Without using numbers, get the highest salary you can. But don't exaggerate!

1 vote

Are all three integers distinct?

1 vote

Shortest code for infinite disk I/O

1 vote

Setting the time

1 vote

Distance between two points on the Moon

1 vote

Generate and print the first 20 Fibonacci numbers with the least unique characters

1 vote

Solve the Halting Problem for Befinge

1 vote

Determine whether strings are anagrams

1 vote

We had a question once which only failed on Sundays

1 vote

Print the last, middle and first character of your code

1 vote

Create a program that prints the number of characters it has, in words

1 vote

Happy Birthday V!

1 vote

Code that will only execute once

1 vote

Draw the Swiss Flag

1 vote

Display random colored pixels

1 vote

The "Do While False" idiom

1 vote

Shortest Error Message

1 vote

Fibonacci function or sequence

1 vote

Low pass filter

1 vote

The world ends in ed

1 vote

Minimalist Hex Clock

1 vote

Make me a scrolling marquee

1 vote

Add without addition (or any of the 4 basic arithmetic operators)

1 vote

ASCII Art "Flight Simulator"

3 4
6 7