Zylviij's user avatar
Zylviij's user avatar
Zylviij's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

All ASCII characters with a given bit count

4 votes

Kill The Dragon!

4 votes

Duplicate & switch case

3 votes

Print a bunch of uninteresting numbers!

3 votes

Determine the "Luck" of a string

2 votes

Program a 2048 AI using an existing Framework

2 votes

Determine the winner of a game of War

2 votes

It's a yearly task, alright

2 votes

Amount of permutations on an NxNxN Rubik's Cube

2 votes

Amount of permutations on an NxNxN Rubik's Cube

1 vote

Generate a Stack Exchange Favicon

1 vote

Golf to find Boring numbers

1 vote

Print all integers

1 vote

"99 Bottles of Beer"

1 vote

Collatz Conjecture (OEIS A006577)

1 vote

Pretty Palintiples

0 votes

Code Golf: Forwards sdrawkcaB sdrawkcaB Forwards Forwards sdrawkcaB

0 votes

Sum of Powers of 2