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Danko Durbić's user avatar
Danko Durbić's user avatar
Danko Durbić
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Gothenburg, Sweden
184 votes

Execute prints backwards

164 votes

Draw the Olympic Games logo

157 votes

Make an error quine!

96 votes

Code that will only execute once

79 votes

-ENDED- Do something that looks like something else

46 votes

Code that will only execute once

30 votes

Produce the number 2014 without any numbers in your source code

25 votes

Hello World window

24 votes

Hello world! with limited character repetition

21 votes

Transform number into 7-segment display pattern

21 votes

Goodbye, world!

20 votes

Generate a 5-pointed star

19 votes

Write a Program in Disguise

18 votes

Code Injection works in C# too!

17 votes

Olympic Games Logo - Free Style Edition

14 votes

Tips for golfing in PowerShell

12 votes

Write a program that is valid after circular character shift

11 votes

Hello World window

10 votes

100 Day Countdown

9 votes

The Programming Language Quiz

9 votes

Print the alphabet without using each vowel

8 votes

Build a snowman!

8 votes

How many friday the 13th in a year?

7 votes

minigolf - display anything 3d

7 votes

Translate your English source code into a foreign language

7 votes

Display Continued Fractions

7 votes

Write an interactive Deadfish interpreter

6 votes

-ENDED- Do something that looks like something else

5 votes

Even or odd: three player

5 votes

Shortest Code to Legitimately Slack Off