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Fhuvi's user avatar
Fhuvi's user avatar
  • Member for 1 year, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Shortest digid-app GetPercentageRounds function

7 votes

Shortest digid-app GetPercentageRounds function

5 votes

What's my type? Well... Probably

4 votes

Split a string on unnested commas

3 votes

Exploded view of a string

3 votes

Compare Two Fractions With ASCII Art

2 votes


2 votes

Sum of Consecutive Squares

2 votes

Keep elements in sequence that have a letter repeated at least 3 times

2 votes

N(e(s(t))) a string

2 votes

"DDoouubbllee ssppeeaakk!!"

2 votes

Counting Letters in a String

2 votes

Generate this number table

2 votes

pwaS eht tirsf dna tasl setterl fo hace dorw

2 votes

String rotation - output string repeatedly moving first character to the end

2 votes

Draw the initial positions of Mölkky pins in ASCII art

2 votes

Split a string on unnested commas

2 votes

Average Two Letters

2 votes

Transpose a 3x3 matrix across the anti-diagonal

2 votes


2 votes

"Print this diamond" gone beautifully wrong

2 votes

Make a k-skip-j range

2 votes

Recreate the ASCII-table as an ASCII-table

1 vote

Convert base-10 to base-0.1

1 vote

Mega Man: Powered Up

1 vote

A challenge for rookies

1 vote

Walk by walls in a room

1 vote

Determine whether strings are anagrams

1 vote

Separate a list into even-indexed and odd-indexed parts

1 vote

Is this number a repdigit?