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oeuf's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

Maximum average ord

4 votes

Shifted auto-sum

4 votes

Calculate a square and a square root!

4 votes

Is it a pangram?

4 votes

Are All the Items the Same?

4 votes

Is it a pure word?

4 votes

As Easy as One-Two-Three

4 votes

Is this word Lexically Ordered?

4 votes

Alphabet Checksum

3 votes

Determine the color of a chess square

3 votes

Product over a range

3 votes

Reverse Array Sum

3 votes

Output a random unary string

3 votes

Separate a list into even-indexed and odd-indexed parts

3 votes

The vanilla factorial challenge

2 votes

Check if a string is entirely made of the same substring

2 votes

English An or A?

2 votes

English An or A?

2 votes

Draw a battery indicator

2 votes

Simple cat program

2 votes

This isn't rocket science

2 votes

Bl lu ur rr ry yv vi is si io on - Blur the text

2 votes

Print invisible text

2 votes

Integer Lists of Noah

2 votes

Count the number of ones in an unsigned 16-bit integer

2 votes

"DDoouubbllee ssppeeaakk!!"

2 votes

Make me a square!

2 votes

Previous Fibonacci number

2 votes

Are All the Items the Same?

2 votes

Output programming language name