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39 votes

Hexagonal maze time!

Hexagony, 2437 bytes The long-awaited program is here: ...
boboquack's user avatar
  • 2,317
31 votes

ASCII Maze Rendering 3000

Python 2, 81 bytes def f(M,k=1,r='',b=0): for c in M[k][k::6]:b^=c>' ';r+=' #'[b] print r;f(M,k+3) Try it online! Takes input as a list of strings (or a ...
xnor's user avatar
  • 147k
21 votes

A Mouse with Dynamite

Perl, 216 215 bytes Includes +2 for -0p Give input on STDIN. Use % for external walls, # ...
Ton Hospel's user avatar
  • 14.9k
20 votes

Generate an ascii-art non-intersecting path

Befunge, 344 bytes ...
James Holderness's user avatar
19 votes

ASCII Maze Rendering 3000

JavaScript (Node.js), 85 bytes a=>a.flatMap(u=(l,y)=>y%3?[]:[l.flatMap((c,x)=>x<y|(x-=y+3)%6?[]:' #'[u[x]^=c+1<0])]) Try it online! Basic idea is:...
tsh's user avatar
  • 35.6k
13 votes

Life is a Maze: We take the wrong Path before we learnt to walk

Perl 6, 259 295 bytes ...
smls's user avatar
  • 4,450
11 votes

Find all the coordinates on a path

Slip, 2 + 1 = 3 bytes +1 byte for the p flag. Code: `# Explanation: The p-flag returns the ...
Adnan's user avatar
  • 44.5k
11 votes

Generate an ascii-art non-intersecting path

MATLAB, 316 305 300 293 bytes ...
flawr's user avatar
  • 43.9k
11 votes

Constructing an evil maze against random exploration

No dead ends near the entrance, 21,477,560 21,485,005 Try it online! Yay, 21 million. The giant horizontal segments up to row 19 are also removed, so about 20% of the entire grid is just an open space....
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 78.4k
11 votes

Constructing an evil maze against random exploration

Tridents, score 21,947,177 21,951,598 ...
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
10 votes

Generate a one-path maze

Jelly, 36 35 34 33 32 bytes 2*×5H_2Bị⁾ | _3”-ẋ”+;;Çsẋ2U3¦ṁµY TryItOnline! Builds a nighter™ the other way around to the examples like: ...
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
10 votes

Help Pac-Man count the Pac-Dots

Pyth, 356 345 + 1 = 346 bytes The code contains some unprintables, so here is the reversible xxd hexdump. ...
PurkkaKoodari's user avatar
10 votes

Largest Compatible Maze

Score: 8066 8065 walls I found an 8066 wall solution using dynamic programming over solutions that can be recursively decomposed by splitting on a row or column consisting entirely of floors or ...
Anders Kaseorg's user avatar
9 votes

Constructing an evil maze against random exploration

Two sides of mazes, score 21987725 ...
isaacg's user avatar
  • 42.1k
8 votes

Find all the coordinates on a path

MATL, 7 6 5 bytes This is using 1-based indexing with (1,1) in the top left corner. oo&fh Explanation: ...
flawr's user avatar
  • 43.9k
8 votes

Find all the coordinates on a path

Grime, 5 bytes pa`\# Try it online! The output format is a bit funky, but OP has stated that it's valid. Explanation Grime is my 2D pattern matching language. ...
Zgarb's user avatar
  • 42.8k
8 votes

Find all the coordinates on a path

Python, 67 bytes This is actually just a golf of my Stack Overflow answer on a similar topic. ...
FlipTack's user avatar
  • 14.7k
8 votes

Life is a Maze: We take the wrong Path before we learnt to walk

Retina, 338 281 275 273 261 bytes ...
TwiN's user avatar
  • 4,810
8 votes

Constructing an evil maze against random exploration

Even more dead ends, 16,555,009.5 ...
qwr's user avatar
  • 12.3k
7 votes

Interactive Maze Solver

JavaScript (ES6),  180  174 bytes Uses prompt() to output the direction and retrieve the result. ...
Arnauld's user avatar
  • 198k
6 votes

Shortest universal maze exit string

C++ and the library from lingeling Summary: A new approach, no new solutions, a nice program to play with, and some interesting results of local non-improvability of the known solutions. Oh, and some ...
Christian Sievers's user avatar
6 votes

Match coordinates with their values

Python, 39 bytes Takes the inputs: a list of (x, y) integer coordinates b list of strings <...
ovs's user avatar
  • 60.6k
6 votes

Life is a Maze: We take the wrong Path before we learnt to walk

Python 2: 302 bytes ...
deltaepsilon3's user avatar
6 votes

Ice Golf Challenge

JavaScript (ES6), 174 bytes Takes input in curling currying syntax ([x, y])(a), where x and y are the 0-indexed coordinates of the starting position and a[ ] is a ...
Arnauld's user avatar
  • 198k
6 votes

Multi-level free parking space finder

JavaScript (ES6), 199 bytes Takes input as an array of arrays of arrays of characters, using the characters described in the challenge. Returns \$0\$ if there's no free parking space. ...
Arnauld's user avatar
  • 198k
5 votes

Find all the coordinates on a path

JavaScript (ES6), 70 67 bytes s=>s.replace(/./g,(c,i)=>c>' '?[i%l,i/-l|0]+' ':'',l=~s.indexOf` `) Outputs a newline-and-space-separated list of ...
ETHproductions's user avatar
5 votes

Generate a one-path maze

JavaScript (ES6), 86 92 116 Almost a kolmogorv-complexity challenge ... With a little lateral thinking (inspired by @Neil's answer), it can be very shorter. Just turn 90° ...
edc65's user avatar
  • 32.2k
5 votes

Generate a map for a roguelike

PHP, 422 417 415 309 373 369 364 361 bytes ...
Titus's user avatar
  • 14.8k
5 votes

Generate a map for a roguelike

Perl, 293 bytes -9 bytes thanks to @Dom Hastings ...
Dada's user avatar
  • 8,513
5 votes

Find all the coordinates on a path

J, 12 bytes $#:'#'I.@:=, Try it online! Explanation ...
Zgarb's user avatar
  • 42.8k

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