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A competition to solve a particular problem through the usage and manipulation of numbers.

0 votes

Is it a balanced number?

Tcl, 156 bytes proc R n {set l [string le $n];puts [expr [join [split [string ra $n 0 [expr $l/2-($l%2==0)]] {}] +]==[join [split [string ra $n [expr $l/2] $l+$l] {}] +]]} Try it online!
david's user avatar
  • 609
0 votes

Count Like a Babylonian

Tcl, 134 bytes proc B l {regsub {\\} $l 0 l lmap c [lreverse $l] {incr s [expr 60**([incr i]-1)*([regexp -all < $c]*10+[regexp -all T $c])]} expr $s} Try it online! In the reversed list, I loop in …
david's user avatar
  • 609
1 vote

"Graphing" calculator

Forth (gforth), 35 bytes : a 0 DO 2DUP OVER I * + + . LOOP ; Try it online! Just works with integers, not with floats. Modifies global integer stack state.
david's user avatar
  • 609
1 vote

It was just a bug

Tcl, 99 bytes time {incr i;time {puts -nonewline [incr j][string repe " " [expr abs(9-$i)]]} 9;puts 0;unset j} 17 Try it online!
david's user avatar
  • 609
1 vote

Print all integers

Forth (gforth), 29 bytes : w 0 1 DO I 1 I - . . LOOP ; Try it online!
david's user avatar
  • 609
1 vote

Construct a uInt from an array of bits

Forth (gforth), 55 bytes : a 2 BASE ! DEPTH 1 +DO SWAP I LSHIFT + LOOP DECIMAL ; Try it online! Assuming we start with DECIMAL base and return to it.
david's user avatar
  • 609