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Code-golf is a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code.

1 vote

Reverse Cat Programme

Pyret, 65 bytes {(x):string-from-code-points(string-to-code-points(x).reverse())} Unfortunately Pyret doesn’t have a built in string reverse function, so you have to convert it to a list, reverse i …
MLavrentyev's user avatar
4 votes

Shortest infinite loop producing no output

Racket, 39 bytes ((λ(x)(x x))(λ(x)(x x)))
MLavrentyev's user avatar
1 vote

Shortest infinite loop producing no output

Haskell, 9 bytes main=main Defines the main function (required to run) recurring on itself, resulting in an infinite loop.
MLavrentyev's user avatar
1 vote

Write a function

Pyret, 7 bytes a=_ + 0 Returns exactly what is passed to it. Underscore paired with an operand implicitly makes a function.
MLavrentyev's user avatar
2 votes

Add N numbers without using + or -

Haskell, 3 bytes sum Function that takes an argument as a list e.g. sum[1,2,3] and returns the sum of the list.
MLavrentyev's user avatar
1 vote

Don't google "google"

Racket, 46 bytes (λ(x)(if(eq? x"google")(-)(string-length x))) Try it online! Gives an arity mismatch error on the input "google" since - needs at least one argument.
MLavrentyev's user avatar
1 vote

A "cheating" quine

Racket, 63 bytes #lang racket (display(file->string(find-system-path'run-file))) Try it online! Pretty straightforward - just finds the current file, reads it, and prints it back out.
MLavrentyev's user avatar
2 votes

"DDoouubbllee ssppeeaakk!!"

Haskell, 18 bytes f s=s>>= \c->[c,c] Try it online!
MLavrentyev's user avatar
1 vote

Print the last, middle and first character of your code

Racket, 15 bytes (display "(y)") Try it online!
MLavrentyev's user avatar
2 votes

Guess my password (cops' thread)

Racket, 202 bytes, Safe #lang racket (define (h z) (when (procedure? z) (error "you lose")) (define a (λ (x) (not x))) ((λ (f) (call/cc (λ (k) (k (or (a z) (set! a ((eval f) k))))))) z) (and …
MLavrentyev's user avatar
1 vote

Average of your code

Python 3, 11 bytes print('K')# The average value is 75.09, which rounds to 75 - K.
MLavrentyev's user avatar
4 votes

Are All the Items the Same?

Racket, 37 18 bytes (λ(x)(apply = x)) Try it online! -19 thanks to Wezl This takes advantages of the fact that = in Racket can take any number of arguments. Note that the tio seems to run an old ver …
MLavrentyev's user avatar
2 votes

Implement an Over function

Racket, 30 bytes (λ(f g x)(apply g (map f x))) Try it online! Takes a and b as a list i.e. '(a b).
MLavrentyev's user avatar
1 vote

Print the Greek alphabet!

Python 3, 88 bytes import sys s=945 if sys.argv[1:] else 913 for i in range(s,s+25): print(chr(i),end='')
MLavrentyev's user avatar
1 vote

The Ackermann function

Haskell, 47 bytes a 0 n=n+1 a m 0=a(m-1)1 a m n=a(m-1)(a m (n-1)) (Run using ghci <filename>) Almost directly copies from the problem definition (thank you pattern matching!).
MLavrentyev's user avatar

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