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A code challenge is a competition for creative ways to solve a programming puzzle with an objective winning criterion not covered by other scoring tags (e.g. code-golf).

-2 votes
1 answer

Ich ne know pas [closed]

Challenge You must write a program which correctly identifies the language a passage is written in. Rules The passage will be a string passed to your program either via STDIN or function arguments. …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
24 votes
4 answers

Golfing strings in Fourier

Challenge Given a string as input, golf down the Fourier program which outputs that string. In Fourier there is no easy way to output a string: you have to go through each character code and output …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
3 votes

Remapping ASCII

BBC BASIC, 2554 Code n=32 s$="" REPEAT s$+=CHR$(n) n+=2 IFn=128THENn=33 UNTILn=127 PRINTs$ Output "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~!#%')+-/13579;=?ACEGIKMOQSUWY[]_acegikmoqsu …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
2 votes

Remapping ASCII

Fourier, 1236 Basically a conversion of my BBCB program 32~N127(Na^^~N{128}{33~N}N) Output "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~!#%')+-/13579;=?ACEGIKMOQSUWY[]_acegikmoqsuwy{}
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
0 votes

Remove vowels without using too many different characters

Noether, 16 individual bytes (17 total) I"[aeiouAEIOU]"-P Try it online! Uses the regex [aeiouAEIOU] to remove the vowels from the input string.
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
11 votes
4 answers

Remove the Salutations

Challenge Hi, given a string as input, remove any salutations found at the start of the string. The program which performs the most correct substitutions in under 50 bytes wins. Salutations Hey, a …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
11 votes
3 answers

Monkeys at a Typewriter

Sometimes when you press a key on a keyboard, the letter doesn't always display on screen. Whether this is because of a dodgy connection or otherwise, you have decided to write a script to control the …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
-9 votes
11 answers

Outputting x to y

Challenge You must choose one number x (y = x + 9) and create ten unique programs which each print out one of the numbers in the range x to y inclusive. However, there are three twists: Each progra …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
2 votes

5 Seconds to Find Pie

Python 3 Since the built in pi and e don't have enough digits, I decided to calculate my own. import decimal import math decimal.getcontext().prec=1000000 decimal=decimal.Decimal;b=2500 print(str(sum( …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
1 vote

Another Euler Brick in the Wall

Python 3 - Brute forcing it Edit: This produces a measly 0.5 bricks per minute... To get the ball rolling again, I decided to write a simple entry. As always with brute force methods, it's extremely …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
3 votes

Take It or Leave It II: A Game Show for Computers

Python 3 - $615570 Doesn't actually use the oracle... Eh :) def algo(): global prevs try: prevs.append(read()) except NameError: prevs = [read()] if len(prevs) > 10 …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
2 votes

DNA Encode a String

Python 3, 15324 + 122 + 211 = 15657 bytes This is a very wasteful method which converts each character to a three digit number and, for each of those three digits, assigns it a two unit code. Encode …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
8 votes
10 answers

DNA Encode a String

Challenge You must write an encoder (and a separate decoder) which takes a string as input and outputs the string encoded in the style of a strand of DNA. DNA DNA is made up of four types of nucleo …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
6 votes
3 answers

Another Euler Brick in the Wall

A Euler Brick is a cuboid where the length of all the edges are integers and all of the diagonals of the faces are integers as well. All sides must also be different. Your program has to find as ma …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
29 votes
4 answers

Where's Blackhat?

Challenge Write code which, given an image of a panel from a random xkcd comic, returns a truthy value if Blackhat is in the comic or falsey if not. Who is Blackhat? Blackhat is the unofficial name …
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k

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