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Code-golf is a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code.

9 votes

Re-name all identifiers to a single letter

Prolog (SWI), 81 70 bytes \X,[I]-->[H],{copy_term(X,Z),\(Z,H,I);nth1(I,X,H)},(\X;[]). a--> \_,!. Try it online! Instead of using predicates, I use definite clause grammar (DCG) notation. DCG notation …
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  • 3,781
4 votes

Incrementally Increment Identical Integers

Prolog (SWI), 75 66 bytes B+A,[C]-->[A],{C is A+B},B+1+A;[X],{C=X},1+X. _+_-->[]. a-->0+x,!. Try it online! This program can be run by calling the grammar a//0 to parse the input list. The remainder …
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  • 3,781
3 votes

Diamondize a Matrix

Prolog (SWI), 111 bytes A*B*C:-append(A,B,C). s(A,B,C):-A*[B]*C. N+B:-N=[A|X],X+R,Z*Q*R,maplist(s,[[]|Z],A,Y),Y*Q*B,!;maplist(=([]),B). Try it online! Explanation Let's first look a version of the co …
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  • 3,781
1 vote

Code golf edit distance up to 3

Prolog (SWI), 109 bytes _+[]+[]. N+[A|B]+[A|C]:-!,N+B+C. \N+B+C:-B=[_|X],N+X+C;C=[_|Y],N+B+Y;B=[_|X],C=[_|Y],N+X+Y. B*C:- \ \ \a+B+C. Try it online! This is a golf of Wheat Wizard's answer. The key m …
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  • 3,781
1 vote

Tips for golfing in Pure Data

Avoid using triggers to sequence messages One of the common uses of trigger objects is to make the order of execution clear when a single object is sending messages to multiple places. In those cases …
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  • 3,781
1 vote

Converting a number from Zeckendorf Representation to Decimal

Prolog (SWI), 74 bytes \D-->[X,Y],{D is 2*X+Y};[D];a,\D. a,[A],[B]-->[X,Y,Z],{A is X+Y,B is X+Z}. Try it online! Takes input as a list of integers 1 and 0 with the most significant bit first.
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  • 3,781
4 votes

A Chiral Puzzle

Prolog (SWI), 649 188 bytes Unflipped, Unrotated :-% l :%r %-: write(%e%-(i %(etirw left).%f.weg%.)right % t)rth. % % )tiit) % % .htr)t % right).%gew.f%.)left wr …
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  • 3,781
1 vote

Generate Men of Culture

Prolog (SWI), 109 bytes []+[]+[]. I+[B|X]+[C|O]:-(I=[B|J],B=C;I=J,C=45),J+X+O. I-O:-I+`Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.`+O. Try it online! Case-sensitive and whitespace sensitive. The -/ …
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  • 3,781
3 votes

Rotational symmetry of string

Prolog (SWI), 64 bytes A+B:-findall(X,(append(X,Y,A),append(Y,X,A)),[_|Z]),length(Z,B). Try it online! Defines a predicate +/2 that takes a string (in the form of a list of character codes) as its …
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  • 3,781
4 votes

Is It Mountainous?

Prolog (SWI), 29 bytes a-->[X],+X. +X-->[];a,[X],+X. Try it online! This program defines a DCG rule a//0 that matches any string (list of characters) that is a mountainous string. Explanation Fo …
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  • 3,781
6 votes

RoboZZle interpreter

Prolog (SWI), 574 bytes Z*A:-findall(X^Y-D,(nth0(Y,Z,O),nth0(X,O,C),plus(32,C,D)),L),list_to_assoc(L,A). N^C^G^[P,I|R]^F^X^Y^D:-map_assoc(\=(74),G);N<1e3,get_assoc(X^Y,G,J),J>67,put_assoc(X^Y,G,78,H) …
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  • 3,781
3 votes

Topple some dominoes!

Prolog (SWI), 132 bytes +[]-->[]. +[47,124,92|T]-->"/|\\",+T. +[47,47|T]-->"/|",+T. +[92,92|T]-->"|\\",+T. +[X|T]-->[X],+T. X+Y:- +(N,X,[]),!,(X=N,Y=N;N+Y). Try it online! This program defines a p …
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  • 3,781
15 votes

Tips for golfing in Prolog

Use Operators for Predicate Names It is possible to give predicates operators as names so long as the operator is one of the predefined operators (listed here) and is not already defined as a predicat …
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  • 3,781
5 votes

It's Hip to be Square

Prolog (SWI), 27 bytes +N:-between(0,N,I),N=:=I*I. Try it online! Explanation Searches through all numbers greater or equal to 0 and less than or equal to N and tests whether that number squared …
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  • 3,781
12 votes

Is this number a prime?

Prolog (SWI), 42 40 39 bytes +X:-X>1,2+X. Y+X:-X=<Y;0<X mod Y,1+Y+X. Try it online! Tests primality by checking whether any of the numbers less than the number and greater than one divide the number. …
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  • 3,781

15 30 50 per page