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Tasks involving writing interpreters for various languages or formalisms.

2 votes

Interpret PlusOrMinus

Charcoal, 19 bytes ⭆⌕AΦS№+-ι-℅﹪⁻ι⊗κ²⁵⁶ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: S Input string Φ Filtered where +- Literal …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
1 vote

µUnitDC: A unit-aware RPN calculator

Charcoal, 123 116 bytes F⪪S ¿Σι⊞υ⁺⟦Iι⟧Eβ⁰¿№βι§≔§υ±¹⊕⌕βι¹«≔⊟υζ≔⊟υη⊞υ∧∨⬤∧ζη∨¬λ⁼κ§ζλ⁻+ιE∧ζη⎇λ⁻κקζλ⊖﹪℅鳧⟦×κ§ζλ⁺κ§ζλ÷κ§ζλ⟧℅ι»Eυ⭆∨ι*⎇μ⎇λ⁺§β⊖μλωλ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Since t …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
2 votes

Implement a simple stack language

Charcoal, 48 bytes WS≡§ι¹+⊞υ⁺⊟υ⊟υ-⊞υ⁻⊟υ⊟υr≔⊟υιu⊞υ↨υ⁰wFE²⊟υ⊞υκ⊞υIιIυ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Takes a list of newline-terminated words as input (could save two bytes by requi …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
2 votes

Auto-golf an esolang

Charcoal, 79 65 bytes ⊞υ⟦ω⁶ω⟧Fυ¿¬ⅈ¿¬⌕ιθ⊟ι«≔§ι¹ηF⪪⟦η⁻⁶η!ω⁷+ω⁻⮌ηη~ω∧η⁻﹪XχLηηη%⟧³⊞υEκ⁺λ§ιμ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: Based on @bsoelch's Python answer. ⊞υ⟦ω⁶ω⟧Fυ S …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
2 votes

Implement Subleq

Charcoal, 45 bytes W‹ⅈLθ«≔§θ⊕ⅈι§≔θι⁻§θι§θ§θⅈ¿›§θι⁰M³→J§θ⁺²ⅈ⁰»⭆¹θ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: W‹ⅈLθ« Repeat while the instruction pointer is within range. ≔§θ⊕ⅈι …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
4 votes

Implement a 2fuck interpreter

Charcoal, 126 bytes WS⊞υιUO⌈EυLιLυ P⪫υ¶≔⪪⮌S¹θ≔E׳⁰φ⁰η≔⁰ζ≔⁰εWKK«≔﹪§ηζ²⁵⁶δ≡ι<≔⁴ε>≔⁰ε^≔²εv≔⁶ε[≦⊖ζ]≦⊕ζ-§≔ηζ⊖δ+§≔ηζ⊕δ?≧⁺∧δ²ε.≔⁺ω℅δω,F¬¬θ§≔ηζ℅⊟θP⁰M✳ε»⎚ω Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. T …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
1 vote

Make a +-= Interpreter

Retina 0.8.2, 44 bytes = =¶$`= -1=A` %O`. +`\+- ((-)+|\+*)=+ $2$.1 Try it online! Link includes test cases. Explanation: = =¶$`= Prepend all of the prefixes of the input that end in an =. -1=A` De …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
3 votes

Make a +-= Interpreter

Charcoal, 16 bytes IE⌕Aθ=⁻ι⁺κ⊗№…θι- Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: θ Input string ⌕A Find all indices of = Litera …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
3 votes

AoCG2021 Day 16: Interpret Duet

Charcoal, 224 bytes WS⊞υ⪪ι ≔E²⊞OE²⁸∧ι⁼¹⁵λ¹θW∧⊙θ§κ²⁸⬤θ⁼§κ²⁶﹪§κ²⁶Lυ«≔§θ⁰η≔⮌θθ≔§υ§η²⁶ζ≔⌕β§ζ¹ε≔⌕β§ζ±¹δ≔⎇⊕δ§ηδI§ζ±¹δ≡§§ζ⁰¦¹e§≔ηεδd§≔ηε⁺§ηεδu§≔ηεקηεδo§≔ηε﹪§ηεδgF‹⁰⎇⊕ε§ηεI§ζ¹§≔η²⁶⁺§η²⁶⊖δc«§≔η²⁸‹§η²⁷⁻Lη²⁹§≔η …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
10 votes

Obfuscate my ><>

Charcoal, 90 55 bytes WS⊞υιP⪫Eυ⭆ι‽γ¶≔¹ηW¬⁼;ψ«≔§§υⅉⅈψ≔∨⊕⌕>^<vψηη✳⊗⊖ηψJ﹪ⅈLθ﹪ⅉLυ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Takes input as a list of newline-terminated lines. Explanation: WS⊞υι …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
2 votes

Interpret underload

Charcoal, 87 bytes ≔⪪⮌S¹θWθ≡⊟θ~FE²⊟υ⊞υκ:⊞υ§υ±¹!≔⊟υδ*⊞υ⪫⮌E²⊟υω(⊞υ⭆⊖L⌊ΦEθ…⮌θ⊕λ›№κ)№κ(⊟θa⊞υ⪫()⊟υ^F⪪⮌⊟υ¹⊞θκS⊟υ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: ≔⪪⮌S¹θ Reverse the input an …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
5 votes

Interpret underload

(If there aren't any )s then the interpreter will give up while if there aren't enough )s then the interpreter will match until the last one.) …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
6 votes

Interpret Gelatin

Charcoal, 147 bytes Nθ≔θζF⁺⪫⪪⪫⪪S+~¦d¦_~¦z¦i«≡№DSdiz++__鲫F⁼²Lυ⊞υθF²⊞υ⎇⊖Lυζι»¹«≔⎇υθζε≡ιD≦⊖εS≦×εεd≦⊗εz≦⁻εε⎚¿υ⊞υε≔εζ»⊞υ⎇⁼aιθIι¿‹²Lυ«≔⎇⁼+§υ¹⁺§υ⁰§υ²⁻§υ⁰§υ²ζ≔…⟦ζι⟧⁻Lυ³υ»»Iζ Try it online! Link is to verbo …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
5 votes

Execute a Befunge Chess Board

Charcoal, 55 bytes WS⊞υ⪪ι¹≔⁰θW¬№αψ«≔§§υⅉⅈψ§≔§υⅉⅈTF№>^<vψ≔⊗⌕>^<ψθM⊕⁼#ψ✳θ»⎚ψ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Takes input as a newline-terminated list of strings and outputs A or B, o …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
2 votes

Write an interpreter generator

Charcoal, 35 bytes ”y≔⁰θF⁺Sψ≡ι”FA⭆⪪”y≔,θI,θ”,⁺§ιλκ”yIθ Try it online! Generates this Charcoal program: ≔⁰θF⁺Sψ≡ιa≔XθI3θb≔×θI2θc≔⁺θI15θd≔⎇⁰θI0θe≔∕θI8θIθ Try it online! Explanation: ”y≔⁰θF⁺Sψ≡ι” Prin …
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k

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