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A competition to solve a particular problem through the usage and manipulation of strings.

9 votes

Help me Open the Box

pb (NONCOMPETING), 125 bytes ^w[B!0]{>}w[B!45]{<w[B=10]{t[T+1]b[0]}}v[X]vw[T!0]{vb[124]<[X]b[124]>w[B=0]{>}t[T-1]}w[X!1]{<b[95]}<w[B!0]{^}w[Y!-1]{b[47]>^} The version of pbi that you need to run this …
mousetail 'he-him''s user avatar
1 vote

Print invisible text

pb - 17 bytes ^w[B!0]{>}<vb[32] Goes to the last character of the input and puts a space on the canvas cell representing it. Because output in pb is 2D, the empty cells before it are automatically fi …
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6 votes

Decode Baby-talk!

brainfuck, 656 bytes +[[>>>,[>++++[<-------->-]]<]<<[>]<-[+[<+>>+<-]----[>>+<<----]>>+[<[-<]<[>]>>-]-<[[-]>+<]>[[-[->]<<+>]<->>>]<<<[>>>+<<<-]<<-]>>>>>[[<+>>+<-]----[>-<----]>--[----<]<[>]>[----<]<[>] …
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2 votes

Molding ASCII art

It is simply n hashes in a row, where n is the length of the string. Now the string is guaranteed to fit! … After all, there could be a hash in the input string! To handle this, I refer to another part of the spec: You are given a single printable ASCII string containing no newlines (Emphasis mine.) …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
21 votes

Spoonerise words

brainfuck, 238 207 bytes ,[[<+<+>>-]++++[<-------->-]-[<<-->>-----]<<+++++[----[----[------[------>>]]]]>[>>]>,]<<++++++++[<[++++<<]<++++<[++++<<]>>[>>]>>[>>]<-]<[<<]-[<+>---]>[>.>]<[<<]<<[<<]>[>>]>[ …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
2 votes

Make a Math Competition Grader

brainfuck, 354 bytes +[--[>]<<+>-],----------[[<<<]>>->[>>>],----------]<<<[<<<]>>+[<-[-------<+>]<.+[---<+>]<.++++++++.[-<+++>]<-.+++++++++++.---.-----.-[---<+>]<-.---[-<++++>]<.+++[-<+++>]<.[---<+> …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
3 votes

Make Bracket Squares

pb - 449 bytes ^w[B!0]{w[B=40]{b[39]}t[B]w[B!0]{w[B=T]{^b[1]}w[B=T+1]{^b[1]}w[B=T+2]{^b[2]}^[Y]^>}<[X]^w[B!1]{>}t[1]b[0]w[T!0]{>w[B=1]{t[T+1]b[0]}w[B=2]{t[T-1]b[0]}}b[3]vw[B!0]{>}^w[B!3]{b[0]<}b[0]vb …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
2 votes

Check if a UUID is valid without using regexes

# string. … # and the string is invalid. …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
1 vote

Find the center

Earlier, when I said "string", that was a total lie. pb doesn't have strings, it has characters that happen to be close to each other. … Looking for the "last character of a string" just means moving the brush to the left until it hits a character. …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
1 vote

Longest Common Prefix of 2 Strings

brainfuck, 91 bytes +[>>,>++++[<-------->-]<]<<[<<]>+[>>++++[>++++++++<-],]<[<]>>-<[>>[<+>>-<-]+>[<->,]<[<.,]>] Requires an interpreter that either allows negative positions on the tape or wraps if …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
0 votes

Longest Common Prefix of 2 Strings

pb, 105 bytes ^w[B!32]{>}>w[B!0]{t[B]vb[1]<[X]w[B!0]{>}b[T]w[B!1]{>}b[0]^>}v<[X]<t[0]w[T=0]{>t[B]^t[T-B]v}w[B!0]{b[0]>} Takes two words separated by a single space. (I can save a byte by using a ta …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
0 votes

The shortest code to invert bit-wise a binary string

pb, 46 bytes (non-competing) ^w[B!0]{w[B=48]{vb[1]^b[0]}>}vw[X!0]{<b[48+B]} pb is newer than this challenge is, so it can't compete. Oh well. In pb, the input lives at Y=-1. This program loops ove …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
14 votes

Remove all occurrences of the first letter of a string from the entire string

. @) from the string. This is okay, because only letters and spaces will ever be present. …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar
2 votes

Monday Mini-Golf #3: Anagram distance

pb, 648 bytes ^w[B!0]{t[B]vb[T]^>}vb[-1]w[X!0]{<t[64]w[T!0]{w[B!0]{b[B-1]v}^[Y]t[T-1]}}w[B!-1]{w[B=0]{b[27]}t[26]w[T!0]{w[B!0]{b[B-1]v}^[Y]t[T-1]}>}b[0]w[X!0]{<w[B!0]{b[1]v}^[Y]w[B=0]{b[32]}w[B=1]{b[0 …
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8 votes

Surround a string with hashes

brainfuck - 156 bytes ++++++++++>,[>>+++++[<+++++++>-],]<....[.---<<]>>+++>>+++.---.[.>>]<<.+++.[<]>.>>+++.---.<[.>>]<<<.>>.---[<]>.--->>+++.---[.>>]<<..+++.---[<]>[+++.>>]<<.... This is probably g …
undergroundmonorail's user avatar

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